Sela’s 2nd dance class…

the vending machines are definitely a highlight of the activity!when I dressed Sela for dance class today, I put the onesie and tu-tu on her…then she found a new package of pyjama’s in her closet and really wanted to wear the pyjama bottoms with her outfit – I figured it worked since they were flowers!

all danced out!

3 responses to “Sela’s 2nd dance class…”

  1. Sela is the cutest thing! I love her little dance outfits and isn’t it the greatest when they have to chose for themseleves what they will wear.

  2. I’m so sad I missed class this morning. My life is very stressful right now. I’m going to try to get Bella there next week. Maybe you should text me and remind me 🙂 PS where do I buy dance shoes for her?

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