sela alexandra rhodes,
sela “sparkles”
whatever we call her, we sure love her!
and she still loves her pillow a.k.a. pilly!
she adds a cute “y” to all her words…
“you’re nakey!”
“is this yoursy’s?”
still not potty-trained.
{natch. i think it has much to do with her lazy momma.}
has her momma’s passion for fashion…
like her shoes? they are foxpaws, found here.
She is absolutely adorable!!!! Her shoes are so cute-thanks for posting the link!
super cute shoes!!! Who cares if she's not potty trained yet, she's not even 3! Im telling you, if there were a potty training camp, i would send my kids! haha my twins were the death of me, ugh, and i have to do 1 more!!