
Kayman was keeping the floor clean just as fast as he could, but he couldn’t get the crumbs off his back…

4 responses to “Sela-bration!”

  1. I can’t believe she’s a year old. Wow! Happy Birthday, Sela! I love the cute cake. Did you make it, Jane?

  2. Such a cute and FUN party! She is so precious, i love when she smiles her whole face lights up!
    Thanks for an Eventful Birthday Party!!

  3. Thanks for the fun party! She is so dang cute! You need to show the pic of Cayman with all the cake in his hair!

  4. What a little cutie. Crazy she’s one. The cake is so darling too. It looked too pretty to see hands diving into it, but I guess that’s the fun of your babies first birthday. Happy Birthday Sela!

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