see jane… another year older.

i have been so touched by the warm welcome back i have received from you, my friends. i never expected so many sweet comments & emails. you are so awesome.

because of this, i want to give something back to you!

danyelle over at dandee-designs has inspired me. she does a fun giveaway on her birthday. on her 30th birthday she sent 30 of her favorite things to one reader.

i love giving gifts + it’s a fun way to send some appreciation love back to you!

here’s the deal… i want to include a few more readers than one. so, since i am 36 today. i will send NINE of my readers four of my favorite things. {9×4=36, got it?} all nine will receive the same four items.

to enter, leave a comment below + if you haven’t already, you can “like” my new Facebook page for a second comment!

i will announce the nine winners by the end of the week on this post. you have a few days to enter!!!

let the festivities begin!


this giveaway is closed.

and the nine winners* are:

#44 – jenny bluhm

#124 – chandra le

#107 – paige smith

#71 – stacy

#108 – leigh stapley

#22 – Kim

#29 – klaaspice

# 105 – shelby russell

# 31 – adena

congratulations my friends! i listed your names exactly as you have them on the comments section. if you are not sure if it is you, please check the comments again below to match your # with your name.

email me: jane{at}prolook{dot}com, send me your full name + mailing address! you will all be receiving your packages no later than early february!!!

♥ ♥ thank you for reading! ♥ ♥

* all winners were chosen by, a random number generator.

question: husband and i are thinking about having a weekly-favorites giveaway since we had such a great response. what do you think? every friday?

151 responses to “see jane… another year older.”

    • Happy Belated Birthday! My grandfather-in-law turned 98 on the same day. I hope you had a great day.

      Can’t wait to see 9 of your favourite things, I think a few of those things will contain great scents!


    • Happy Day!! Jane
      Sending lots of thanks for inspiring us in a small town in Utah. It has been so much fun reading your blog and giving us lots of incentives! I hope your birthday is wonderful!

  1. Have a Beautiful Birthday-beginning to end(of the month that is-why just celebrate for one day?!!) Hope it is a day filled with family, friends, surprises and cupcakes(or choc. covered cinnamon bears!) Karen

  2. You never cease to amaze me, not fair so much creativity in one person 🙂 I hope your birthday is wonderful… love your adventures and your photojournalism!

  3. Happy Birthday Jane!! Hope you have the best day yet! I love following your blog, you are such a great mom and an inspiration to me with all of you cute ideas!! Hope have a great year!!

  4. Happy Birthday! What a fun giveaway. That is one of the reasons I love your blog, learning about your favs! Go eat some cake 🙂

  5. Happy Birthday to you…. May you enjoy MANY more wonderful days like today! I truly enjoy reading about your cherished times with your sweet family…what a wonderful wife and mother you are!!!

  6. Jane! Happy Birthday!!! One year older and WISER too! And remember in your choosings; I was one of the first to like your FB page. 🙂 Thanks for a great blog; great ideas and well written!

  7. Happy birthday!!! I love, love, love your blog! So glad you came back! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Happy birthday Beautiful! I didn’t realize you and my sister Tammy share the same birthday. We sure miss you guys! The company is not the same without lovely Kiana. Come home!!!

  9. Happy birthday friend! I am so glad to have connected with you through technology. You are just as beautiful as you were in high school – inside and out! It’s been fun to see your family and see the wonderful things happening in your life. Wishing you all the best in 2012!

  10. happy birthday doll! hope your day is everything you want it to be! thanks for sharing your life with us! xo

  11. Happy Birthday Sweet Jane I was so happy to see your blog again you are very insipiring to me. hope you have a great day spent with your Family.

  12. Happy, happy birthday, Jane! I hope it’s your BEST ONE YET! Can’t wait to hear all about your favorite things.

  13. I turn 36 in three days…what a coincidence. Again, so happy I found you. As I’m proofing portraits, your blog is one I check daily. As I said before, you are full of inspiring ideas, and concepts. Thank you for putting your time and talent in to this fabulous blog. I hope you truly have an amazing birthday. You’ll rock 36!

  14. Jane-I hope you have a fabulous birthday and by the way you don’t look a day over 25! I have so enjoyed reading your blog over the years, I can be having a bad day or feeling down and I can read a post from your blog and I feel inspired and uplifted. I know you touch many lives!

  15. I SOOOO love this post!! i love anything Jane! your favorites quickly become mine! haha Hope your birthday is fantastic!! love ya!!

  16. Happy birthday Jane! I’ve been stalking insta gram and looks like quite a fun day already! Loving that u are back on the public blog scene!

  17. Yay for giveaways! happy birthday girl! So glad we have gotten to know each other, as the newbies to boston! I love reading your blog and fb page…you are quite the creative one!

  18. I hope you have a VERY Happy Birthday Jane! I am so in love with your blog–it’s inspiring and full of your cute ideas. I’m so glad I found it 🙂 enjoy your day!

  19. I hope you have a fantastic day!! Congratulations on all you have accomplished in your life so far! Love ya!! AOE!!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope your family spoils you ALL week! I’m so happy your blog is open again.. I seriously love all your fun ideas!

  21. Leave it to you Jane to be thinking of others on your special day…hope it’s awesome and sure miss your family! Love ya!

  22. Happy Birthday! My husbands family is from Sweden and on their birthdays, they throw the party and give gifts to others. Crazy! So i decided to dothe same 8 yrs ago and deliver my second son on MY birthday, Dec. 29th! Fun, huh!? Ok, not really, but he puts up with having to share Mom’s birthday…he loves it actually…and so do I!

  23. How fun, we share the same birthday! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day celebrating and I am so happy your blog is no longer private! I love reading all your party ideas!

  24. I am so glad you are back! I dont even know you, but YOU inspire me to be creative, love my children with every ounce that I have, and cherish every moment. Wishing you a very happy birthday filled with tons of laughter and love!

  25. Loves n hugs on your #36, please give me some goods!!! Still planning to see you in april, it’s sneaking up and my training is well under way! Xoxoxo birthday girl!!!

  26. Happy birthday Jane!!! I hope someone makes your birthday as special as you make your kids birthday 🙂 Center Stage gave me a box of your special cinnamon bears. I couldn’t help but think of you 🙂 miss ya

  27. Happy Birthday dear Franny. I so wish you lived closer. I have always wanted to visit you more and then you went and moved away even farther! At least I can keep in touch and watch your family grow online 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful day. Miss you and love you….your 39 yr old neice (for some reason I’ve just always gotten a kick out of this!)
    Love from me and the girls.

  28. Oh my sweet Jane…Happy Birthday Lady. I sure wish I could drop off a strawberry Sweet tooth Fairy cupcake to you. Hope you have a perfect day. Miss you, love you!

  29. Jane, I am so glad you are back! I truly, truly LOVE reading your blog. You are beautiful and inspiring and have a darling family. I really missed reading your blog when you went private:(, so it made my day when I checked back and saw you were not private anymore!
    Anyway, I hope you have an amazing birthday!
    Today is my birthday too (30th!)!

  30. I am so glad your blog is open again. I love reading all about your great ideas. I ordered the book you suggested on “Happy Friday.” Can’t wait until it comes in…I will be 36 this year too. 1976 must have been a good year! Enjoy your birthday. What a super idea for a giveaway! Hope I am one of the lucky winners!

  31. Happy Birthday Jane!!! I hope it’s a great one! Your blog is so fun, creative and inspiring. Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!

  32. We are so glad to have you back! and more importantly happy birthday!!:) I hope your family makes it extra special!

  33. Happy Birthday Jane! I heard on the news this morning it was Kate Middleton’s birthday too today. January 9th must hold a special place for gorgeous people inside & out. Hope your day was spectacular:)

  34. Wow!!! Your a really loved and special lady wish we could have know. n each other better. Hope your day was fabulous!!!!

  35. Happy Birthday! I’m just excited to see a list of your favorite things! Even more excited that your wonderful blog is back, thank you.

  36. happy happy birthday Jane!! you have always been a huge inspiration to me! i hope today was amazing and i had a lot of fun enjoying it with you on insta 😉 happy 36! ps: i am crossing my fingers to win this giveaway!

  37. happy happy birthday Jane!! you have always been a huge inspiration to me! i hope today was amazing and i had a lot of fun enjoying it with you on insta 😉 happy 36! ps: i am crossing my fingers to win this giveaway! {second comment cause i am already following your FB page!}

  38. Happy Birthday Jane! I hope you get a day filled with all the love and attention you give to everybody else!

  39. What a cute idea!!!! I love all the fun ideas you always have! I was so excited when I found out you were back blogging!!!!! Also Happy birthday!

  40. Yay! I was SO happy to see that you are blogging again! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 Hope your birthday was wonderful!

  41. what a fun way to celebrate your birthday! you are clever and festive and thoughtful and excited to live life and make memories Jane…You truly inspire me. Looks like you had a great birthday ….may every year only get better.

  42. Happy Birthday Jane!! I enjoy reading of all of your fun adventures. I would love to shadow you in all of your party planning. Everything always looks so amazing!! I hope this is your best year yet!!

  43. What a super fun idea Auntie!! LOVE keeping up with you guys via the blog…..:) Hope you had a super awesome Birthday!!

  44. 102 comments?? geez lady you are popular! i know how good you are at giving gifts so i’m dying to win this! lovelove. xoxo

  45. So, so, so , so glad you’re back! I was so excited to find you weren’t private! Whoop! Whoop! Thanks for sharing and inspiring…you rock! Happy Birthday, Jane! I hope your day is as awesome as you are!

  46. you are too sweet. i’m so glad you had such a great birthday! thanks for sharing all your great ideas and being inspiring.

  47. Happy Birthday Jane! Love your sweet blog. I look forward to peeking in each day. Glad to see that life is good in Boston. I hope you have a fabulous 36th. *Liked your Facebook page as well.

  48. Hope you had a fantasic birthday! I am so glad you are back, i would every couple of months pull up your blog to see if you werent private anymore.

  49. I know we’ve never met but I find myself talking about you to other people like we are best friends! My mom and sisters usually hear me say stuff like “Jane had the best idea…” or “Jane is the reason we are all hooked on Coconut Oil!” Thanks for coming back! I also “liked” your FB page

  50. Hope your day was perfect! Looks like you’ve settled in very nicely in Boston…don’t get to confortable there!!!

  51. Happy Birthday, have a great time celebrating! I think you should do a post of your favorite things as well once you announce the winner! It was fun to run into you at the airport, hope you had a great trip! Thanks for doing the giveaway (I liked you fb page)! xo

  52. Hi Jane,

    Happy birthday! I love your blog and when you posted pictures of your guest bedrooms I told my husband that we needed to go visit you! He quickly informed me that we are in fact not best friends and that I sounded a leetle creepy. Oops! Thanks for sharing and maybe one day we will see you at the ballpark!

  53. Jane,
    I hope this is your best year yet. Was so excited to see your blog was back for all to see. I have missed reading your fun, fabulous, inspiring blog. I especially am enjoying reading about your adventures out here in Boston. Happy Birthday!!!

  54. 🙂 Me and my sissies often rember funny things about the good ole days! Wow how time flies. 36 never looked so good!!! Xoxoxo Ang

  55. Happy birthday! I loved the photos Dusty took of you & the kids birthday surprise. I liked you on FB even before you asked. 😉

  56. Happy Birthday! I found your blog right before you decided to go public. I was so sad 🙁 But couldn’t be more excited that you are back! I really love seeing the unique and fun ideas that you come up with, very inspiring!! And you seem like such a wonderful (and fun!) mother. Hope your b-day was great!

  57. Anything that is a favorite of yours I know I would love! Happy Birthday Jane…you are a really amazing lady!

  58. so glad you had a great birthday! can’t wait to see what your favorite things are, i’m sure they are fabulous!

  59. Happy Belated Birthday! I keep meaning to tell you how neat that animated graphic is that (I assume?) you made. Love the color choices especially. The new graphics around your blog have been very easy on the eyes!

  60. Oh I was so sad I didn’t win, because I love your taste! You will have to tell what your favorite things are so I can check them out anyway! YES a Friday giveaway would awesome! By the way after I saw the pics of you on your birthday in those adorable cobalt blue pants I HAD to get some! Hope you are having fun in Utah!!!!!!

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