Autumn DelGrosso-Turley & Ashly DelGrosso-Costa giving last minute practice to Myla & Ezra and the other young couples from Center Stage Performing Arts Studio…
The swing started out with 4 heats of 30 couples = about 120 couples, Myla & Ezra were called back 4 times! So, they made it to the final 24 couples… This is also so cool {let me remind you} because Ezra is 7 and Myla is 8….they compete in the pre-teen division which is 12 & under!
In-between each round, they post the results of who has been called back by the male’s number, Ezra was 6-9-5 this weekend… at smaller competitions they use Plasma’s or Projectors to post results. I took 2 photos of call backs this weekend ~
Also, we want to give a HUGE shout-out…
for WINNING the pre-teen swing!!! We are so happy & proud of you! In the practice video, Niua & Aspen are practicing next to Myla & Ezra, Niua is Myla’s “team” partner with the adorable dreads. They are both 8 years old and were the CHAMPIONS!!! WOO-HOO!!! Another note, if you are not into the ballroom scene… @ BYU Dancesport kids/dancers/couples come from all over the U.S. and world, so it’s AWESOME that our local kids won!
The team standard formation competition…they placed 3rd and all received bronze medals!
Myla’s youngest fan –Sela spent the day crawling up & down stairs in the Marriott center.
Myla & her new “pretty poodle” from Build-a-Bear that she nicknamed “Pickles,” but hasn’t really named her yet… She earned this for having such a great day which meant performing well AND staying in a good mood during the entire competition! 🙂 I believe in bribes. 7 hours of dancing can be very rough on these kids some days!
What a great shot of Sela… LOVING your new lens, aren’t you?! And way to go Myla!
Congrats to Myla & Ezra! I am so impressed by her stamina – 7 hours?!
p.s. these Sela pics continue to increase my baby fever!
Congrats Myla and Ezra! The bribe was well deserved! I hope Sela got something, too! 7 hours in the Marriott Center? Crew never would have made it!
Congratulations Myla and Ezra that is amazing! Darling poodle too Myla, Kate loves Build a Bear too. Jane looks like you are having fun with your camera, Your pics are so cute. I LOVE that one of Sela!
Pickles is the coolest name ever! I hope she keeps it. (I’m not at all biased).
Congrats to all the kids. That’s amazing!