santa hat brownies…

i made these for my kiddos as an after-school snack this week.

so easy & So so cute!

all you need is:

little round pre-made brownies
heavy whipping cream {whip it up!}
{i kept things really easy by using a ziplock bag for my whipping cream.}


are you on instagram? it is my latest obsession!
what is instragram? …it’s a free iPhone app that combines creative photography + social network.

{you are welcome to follow me – search for “see_jane”}

right after i made these treats, my oldest daughter grabbed my real camera & caught me taking a picture on my iPhone of the santa hat brownies for instagram.

creative little woman. and, did the photo not turn out so cute ‘n clever? love that girl.

2 responses to “santa hat brownies…”

  1. Thank you! these are adorable and I’m going to make them for my daughter’s ornament exchange party at the house. Just regular whipping creme? I’ve never used it like that. I found that you can get your instaphone(gram)pics made into a little booklet-much like the blog books!

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