“rise & shout”

the cougars are out!

last weekend, we kicked off the BYU football season by attending the
first home game. i would much rather go to a game now than when it’s snowing! we doubled with dusty’s nephew travis & his wife margaret, whom are two of our favorite people. if you haven’t met margaret yet, you need to hustle on over to bonbon and get to know her!

i’ll admit, i’m not a die-hard byu football fan, in general, not too much of a football fan at all. BUT i married a college football player! i struggle at times with FOUR HOUR+ games driven by testosterone. however, i do enjoy the festivities of the games, and i was excited to watch the cougars in all their anticipated glory…

glory that the cougars did not have on saturday.


when the football game didn’t hold my attention, i was able to watch the sidelines to see sarah & jill perform at their first home game as byu cougarettes! that was really fun. this year, over 100 girls from across the nation auditioned for four open spots on the cougarettes, and THREE of our local center stage girls filled those spots for the next year. sara & jill are two of the girls, way to go center stage alum! These gals are also coaches now to some of our younger company kids.
and, while i’m scoping out the sidelines…let me tell you about our incredible chiropractor down there by the byu team

first of all, i believe in preventative care. i really try to keep my body healthy, fit, and in great shape in all aspects to avoid illness, and injury. one thing dusty and i make a priority is regular visits to our chiropractor. not after an injury, but before. i have been to quite a few chiropractors over the years including the Cobb Chiropractic Clinic, but hands-down, dr. clifford is AMAZING. He is the full-time chiropractor for the byu football team {travels with them to every game} and he takes care of many other byu athletes, plus has the job for all extreme-sports that come to utah. his office in provo {just east of the pizza factory}is covered with pictures of everyone he cares for. but, besides being over-recommended he honestly adjusts your neck and back like no other chiropractor has ever done it. I’ve nick-named his special maneuver the “lincoln bear hug.” i believe that when i am regularly making my visits to him, my quality of life is definitely better from my neck & back being aligned so well. If you are in the area, and need someone like him – go go go! I think he’s very affordable. For a normal visit which costs $40, you get 10 minutes of “stem” treatment which is the little electric patches they place on you, a 10-minute deep tissue massage, and you get adjusted by dr. lincoln clifford.

go now.
regardless of byu losing {so so sorry cougar fans} we still had an after-game ice cream party at our house. we had family visiting all weekend which made the event all the more sweet! thank you garvin & everton families for the fun memories, we love you all! xoxo.

4 responses to ““rise & shout””

  1. I am so glad to see you went to cheer the Cougars on. It was a devastating lost and still causes a lot of pain when I think about it. I LOVED your after party even though they didn't win. I just also wanted to tell you that you motivate me soooo much. You look incredible. I have lost 17 pounds just by working out and watching what enters my mouth. No silly diets or pills. Just plain hard work and dedication. I so love peeking in on your blog. It is so fun to read.

  2. You guys are amazing hosts. Thanks for letting me crash there for a couple nights…especially because it meant that you had to put up with Kyle too! Also, thanks for the ice cream party. You guys put out a very solid spread…especially considering your vacation from sugar!

  3. We love Linc!! He really is the best! I am totally going to show him your post! It's so cute! Alexandria just went to him the other day for the first time. She thought he was amazing…and her back felt so much better too. 🙂

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