
i met alessandra during the alt. design summit in january.

she makes the most adorable pequenos. if you have a baby, go check it out. it makes me almost want to have another baby, just to bundle them up in one of her designs – they’re that cute!

recently, she also posted about eating radishes.


just plain radishes. and, my curiosity peaked.

i had only had radishes on salads, never alone.

so, we had to try it. i brought home four bundles of radishes, rinsed them, melted some butter, dipped, salted, and munched.

and, guess what? they are really good. i love the airy crunch they offer, and most of the kids that were at our house liked them too. {we usually have a handful or more of neighbor kids here.}

there’s not a lot of flavor, so you mostly taste the butter & salt – similar to eating crab, lobster, or any other fine food that is typically dipped in butter.

myla had a rough time biting into the radishes with her braces, so we sliced them in to bite size pieces for her.

after-school snacks are a big deal around here. we have this small window of time after school before we all divide and conquer the rest of our day. and, the snacks need to supply fuel till dinner time.

it’s more like a fourth meal.
and i’m always looking for new ideas to add variety.

do you have favorite healthy snacks???

10 responses to “radishes.”

  1. My dad eats them daily @ lunch, just salt & pepper. I have never heard of serving them w/ melted butter! Might have to try it. My daughter loves salted cashews & sliced pears for snack. Or olives w/ brie or swiss.

  2. I just planted some radishes in the garden so I am excited for this new way to eat them.
    A favorite snack at our house is almond butter spread inside/on celery. Yum!

  3. Awww I think you guys should have a 5th baby! (Maybe a little brother for KJ?) Haha

    I love plain radishes also!

  4. I love radishes. Did you know that if you are growing them youself…the more water they receive the hotter they will taste? True! We love banana bread, carrots/ranch, peaches & pears with a little bit of cinnamon/sugar! 🙂

  5. I have been reading so much about radishes these days. love the idea of them dipped in butter.

  6. Yay for radishes!! Thanks so much for mentioning my company:) Your beautiful blog is devine and I'm so thrilled to read it. I do hope to see you at another conference- BlogHer 2011 maybe?
    P.S.- @ Haley- I did not know that!

  7. Cory loves to snack on these. but we've never tried them in butter… hmm maybe we can play "fear factor" with this treat for my kids! ha

  8. just popping in to say that i LOVE your blog and all of your terrific ideas… there's always oodles of inspiration! you have great style and look forward to each post.

    since you're on the radish kick, you have to watch the old school fairytale theater movie of rapunzel… we use to watch it as kids, and there's a whole part in the movie where shelly duval eats radishes… it's pretty rad!

    have a splendid day;)

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