prom 2015

Prom style - classy and trendy via seejaneblogKiana went to her high school prom this past weekend with one of her best friends, Parker. Here in Utah it’s a tradition to go on a “day date” and then in the evening you go to dinner, the dance, and often times an after the dance activity. Her group went ziplining in Provo canyon early in the morning and to lunch – they had a blast! Then in the evening they took pictures, had dinner at our local country club, went to the dance which was held at the Provo convention center and watched “Big Hero 6” with snacks at one of the guys houses afterwards. Kiana had a GREAT time. 

Since I was in high school in Utah – one thing has changed – they don’t take pictures for dances at the dances anymore. Now, whether it’s guys choice or girls choice – the group usually asks someone to take pictures, or hires a photographer. Then they choose a spot at someone’s home, a park or a local location to take the pictures before the dance. I love this. Most of the time the teenagers are really creative and the photos turns out awesome – like these:

prom 2015 prep via seejaneblog
Prom 2015 trends via seejaneblog
Prom group photo ideas via seejaneblog
prom 2015 photo ideas via seejaneblog
Prom 2015 girl trends via seejaneblog
Prom 2015 girl style via seejaneblog
Prom 2015 couple style via seejaneblog
Prom 2015 Rachel Zoe dress via seejaneblog
Prom 2015 style via seejaneblog
prom 2015 group date via seejaneblog

Maddie Palica – the same girl who created Kiana’s birthday video – made a video of prom too! You can watch it HERE. It’s so fun, I love these teenagers!!! One thing to look for – Kiana’s date, Parker, gave the group a “motivational speech” during dinner! I heard this is his tradition and he’s done it every year during prom dinner!!! Have I said I love these teenagers?

Group photos by Kevin Swiss. Photos of Kiana and Parker alone by me, Jane Rhodes.

2 responses to “prom 2015”

  1. I used to work with Kevin Swiss! Very nice guy. I saw some of his pix on IG and wondered if that was a new “thing”. Oh, our kids will never know the awkward dance photo!

  2. What a talented little friend Kiana has! What a fun way for them to remember those years! Side note… Bjorn is friend wih all he Swiss brother s too! Such a small world

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