post-flower girl

what does one little girl do with her flower girl dress

after she’s been a flower girl?

well, wear it to her brothers coach pitch game, of course.

and be a princess of the playground!sela literally wakes up, and before she opens her door to come find us…she takes off her pyjama’s and finds this dress to wear.

she wears it everywhere.


bonus: cuts down on her laundry, since she’s currently not wearing twenty outfits a day!

6 responses to “post-flower girl”

  1. how cute is that? i wanted a little girl like that. a girly girl. i thats not what i got! Avrie hates dresses! have fun with her!

  2. How darling! I will never know the joys of having a little princess. I better get some granddaughters!

  3. Okay, that is too cute.

    Are you like me and would have never dreamed of letting my first child wear her flower girl dress to the park, but by the 3rd or 4th kid you are happy to let them out of the house wearing pj's, dress-up or whatever suits their fancy as long as they are happy? 🙂

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