
Steam punk house via seejaneblog
Teen cook via seejaneblog

Tween with bb gun via seejaneblog
Early mornings watching cartoons via seejaneblog
Australian Labradoodle bell training via seejaneblog
A portrait of my children (and puppy), once a week, every week, in 2015.

Kiana: Has been searching online 24/7 for a prom dress. It’s not easy to find the right dress.

Myla: Passed her state foods test and gets to show off that accomplishment at school with this personalized apron!

KJ: This dude went temporarily missing on Wednesday after school this week. He had our nanny pretty worried when she couldn’t find him, his dad left work, I left school early, and we were ALL looking for him around our nieghborhood! He had told Tregan, our nanny, that he was going to ride his long board. So, she assumed that he was outside riding his long board around our house because we have a track around our house to do this. But he wasn’t there. LONG story short, he rode his long board to our local movie theaters and was sitting in the movie, “Spongebob.” Enjoying a medium sized popcorn and drink all by himself. Didn’t tell anyone he was going. He obviously needed a break from his family for a bit! (And this picture: I caught him shooting at his BB targets in the front yard. From the kitchen window.)

Sela: Morning cartoons.

Wellesley Baloo: The thing about bell training – she grasped this concept really fast. “I ring the bell – someone takes me outside.” She’s good at it. Only, she doesn’t understand the idea of ringing the bell to go POTTY outside. She just rings the bell ALL DAY LONG and wants us to take her outside!

Photos by me, Jane Rhodes

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