
teenager on the go via seejaneblog

teenager lounging via seejaneblog

techy kid via seejaneblog

modern dollhouse via seejaneblog

Australian labradoodle puppy via seejaneblog

A portrait of my children (and puppy), once a week, every week, in 2015.

Kiana: On the go. On the go. On the go.

Myla: Chill-laxin. This puppy momma was taking a break… She has been AMAZING with her puppy this week!

KJ: This dude. He’s a smart, sneaky one. Preface: Dusty Rhodes and I don’t allow the kids to purchase apps, new music, movies, etc. unless it’s a special holiday or they have paid for it themselves. Yet, at times the kids (namely: KJ and the teens) are trying to buy more virtual stuff than they are allowed to. Because of this we are constantly changing our iTunes password to keep it a secret. Our older three kids are each masters at figuring it out no matter how hard we try to keep it a secret! In November, THIS DUDE figured out our password and we had NO IDEA how he had done it this time because we were being super stealth about it. Well…. Come to find out – he knew there was an app that would record everything that takes place on your screen, SO… he added that app to his phone and then one of the times he was asking Dusty to give him permission for a download, Dusty entered the new password, and it was RECORDED in KJ’s new app! SERIOUSLY. The sneaky devil. He has a future in something.

Sela: She goes through rotating phases: Dolls, Littlest Pet Shop, Shopkins, Fairy Garden, and more.  Whatever Sela is playing with – she gives it her full attention. Creating little things out of cardboard and paper for it, designing new outfits for the dolls out of fabric – she is currently obsessing over Barbie’s and the doll house santa brought her… playing in her own mini world.

Wellesley Baloo: Was introduced to *Coco this week. These two are definitely interested in one another and while the bunny is a bit skeptical – Wellesley Baloo just wants to bite Coco – like she wants to chew on EVERYTHING else in the house. We keep giving them time together each day – we keep telling Wellesley it’s not nice to bite new friends – hoping they can learn to co-habitate.

*Coco is the bunny Kiana brought home in mid-December as a surprise to all of us! Cocoshort for Coconut quickly evolved into Coco Chanel.

All photos by me.

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