Please vote!

Chelsie is one of the final THREE girls left in SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! She grew-up in Pleasant Grove and trained at Center Stage Performing Arts Studios, here in Orem, where my girls have been dancing the past 8 years… Chelsie rocks, and she’s such a sweetie! The show is on every Wednesday night and you have 2 hours to vote when it’s over. Thursday night is the results show, please watch and VOTE!!! If you haven’t been voting so far, then your votes would really help!

6 responses to “Please vote!”

  1. Your trip to the Philippines looks amazing!! Oh and I love Grey’s Anatomy and love Chelsie too!

  2. Chelsie is amazing! I can’t believe that you hadn’t seen Grey’s-isn’t it the best to watch it on the DVD’s we did that with the first season too and it was so much fun! Your trip sounds and looks amazing and it was so much fun to read about your family!

  3. So sad for Chelsie! I hate when SYTYCD gets to the end and really talented people start going home. I was soooo sad when Will left! We tried to buy tickets for the E-Center but it sold out in 3 minutes!
    And I can’t believe that you just barely watched Grey’s. I must admit that I’m sick of Meredith though. She’s my least fave character.

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