
you all know my love affair with pinterest – it’s one of the finest ways i know how to waste time. i also consider it the best online resource/tool for our generation. it’s incredible. and, i adore ben silbermann, the founder. however, {shhhh. whispering} i am trying to spend less time on it during 2012, because i want to have more original creativity/ideas to share with you here on seejaneblog. for the past two years, since pinterest launched in May of 2010, i feel that i was capable of sharing great ideas – but most of those ideas were not mine. they were my versions, of someone else’s idea. does this make sense? i was crafting & creating art, but not the creator.  i still peruse pinterest for a myriad of reasons – checking for trends in design; recipes, what to make for dinner tonight; activities – inexpensive homemade ways to entertain young kiddos. but, when i turn on my computer or open my art cupboard and start creating with any medium, i want my mind to create original ideas. i want to come up with authentic projects to share with you. so, i am limiting my time.

last week while i was in utah, i did an interview with studio 5 on this exact topic, the segment aired this morning—

it makes me happy that utah tops the list for pinterest users. cheers to resourceful-virtually-organized-do-it-yourself-utahns!  i’m hoping that all those people are putting that inspiration to use in their daily lives.

Ben Silbermann,  said at alt. design summit this year, “if you don’t bet on yourself, nobody else will.”  i’m betting i can have original ideas.

so, what do you think? you can share your thoughts in my comments below or on the KSL studio 5 facebook page.

5 responses to “pinterest”

  1. I totally agree with your thoughts, Jane. i loved pinterest at first, but realized i don’t want my home to look exactly the same as my friends’! I want some originality. In fact, i made a valentine wreath about 5 years ago and when a new friend stopped by my house a few weeks ago, she said she saw the same thing on pinterest and knows of others who have made it too. Here i thought i was the originator. Nope. Pinterest can be good…but i find too many are just doing the same things as everyone else. 🙂

  2. very interesting stuff!

    it is true! there is so much inspiration on pinterest. good for people who aren’t naturally creative for a kick start, but can be counter productive for creative types.

    curious if you feel the same way about blogging too? do you read less blogs too in order to try to keep your own original ideas coming?

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