piano recital, spring 2013

kj piano recital

myla piano recital

sela piano recital

rhodes girls piano recital

something cool happened with piano this year, my kids all became genuinely more passionate about playing. and, it wasn’t with just one kid or two kids — they shared this feeling. i almost felt like there was an unspoken competition with who could practice next. it was really cool to witness. they love playing piano and always want to learn more about the latest model of keyboard coming out.

because of this, everyone improved and everyone was excited about their songs for recital. i watched each of them shine just a bit, very proud of what they were playing. kj is our most musical – he will sit down to practice, play his songs in two or three minutes, then he’ll just stay seated at the piano for another half-hour or more just playing around. improving. i’m not even sure how to direct him, he just loves playing. he’s also our best singer, the kid can seriously carry a tune. any advice on what he could be doing, please do share. music is not my talent, in any area. other than rockin’ out in the car! or karaoke at home with my family.

*little detail: i love that sela’s feet don’t even touch the ground, they just dangle off the piano bench. soooo cute!

we adore our piano teacher here in boston – she’s a talented gem and a friend that we are sad to say farewell to.

(photos by me,Jane Rhodes)

3 responses to “piano recital, spring 2013”

  1. Thanks, “Dustin!” It was such a fun experience teaching your children. They are some of my favorite students ever.

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