Philippines prisoners dancing…

Our office staff here was showing us this article/video’s today, and I thought it was great. What a great use of time/exercise for inmates. People pay to see this show… Check out Soulja Boy…and Thriller…then a great article and more dances, here.

Miss you all…


10 responses to “Philippines prisoners dancing…”

  1. I guess that answers my question 🙂 I sent this video to Dusty a couple of days ago to have him ask what myla/kuya thought of it – i can just picture the office sitting around watching it! apparently they are as fascinated with it as we are…

  2. Hi Jane,
    I hope you are having tons of fun! I admire how you guys are such travelers:) Throwdown is in the old Gold’s Gym off of 1600 South State Street in Orem. It’s pretty cool! I’m still working with Jim too. I got your message about 8am being a bad time to go. He takes appointments from 5 am clear into the late evening. I’ll probably never give Jim up but Throwdown is fun for the whole family. It’s only $150 a month for everyone! They are going to raise the prices in August some time.

  3. haha So Great! Drew and I were very entertained. The thriller video….that chick/dude is pretty scary looking. haha

  4. Are you having fun!?
    Thanks for your comments… even though you are so far away… even moreso than before!
    Ya, I’m a sweaty woman! There are times I think I am part man!!! Glad to know I’m not the only one!

  5. Oh my gosh, this is so funny. I hope your trip was awesome and I can’t wait to see pictures and hear all about it.

  6. How funny! I love that you guys travel. How fun!! Hope your having a blast. Thanks for your comments even on vaca. hehe

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