do you have one, or more pictures hanging on the walls of your home that are always just a little crooked? each time you walk past it you adjust it? unless you were lucky enough to find some thing like mounted prints at Bumblejax for example, then you probably answered yes to those questions, i am sharing one easy tip with you today about how to cure this problem.

using sticky removable mounting squares seen below, you simply take one square, or more if the picture is bigger/heavier and needs more strength to hold it in place. place it on the bottom corners of the frame or wall art and voila! your artwork will now stay securely in place without any damage to the wall when it’s time to take it down.


*new to me*

November 26, 2012

seejaneblog readers, if you are in the U.S., how was your thanksgiving??? did you make the transition and decorate for christmas? my kids are still home from school today for the holiday, and we have a busy day ahead. before i get started with them, i wanted to start the week with this…

i have mentioned in the past that my husband has some really cool cousins who all live in laguna beach, california. one of these cousins sent me some unexpected, very happy mail a few weeks ago which included three candles that were *new to me* — created by dear sincerely:

i was instantly in love with the candle packaging!


friends! it’s almost time to start the advent calendars! december first is eight days away! before i head off to enjoy the day {and weekend} with friends who are visiting this week i wanted to share with you today the advent calendar{s} that we made this year.

sometime in july or august i decided i wanted to make simple, homemade advent calendars for a few of our dear friends and family this year as gifts. knowing this could become daunting i forced myself to start early. after all, they needed to be finished and delivered in november, right?

i took all my favorite details i’d seen on advent calendars via pinterest and created ours.


a day to be thankful.

November 22, 2012

friends, i hope you all enjoyed a cozy day filled with much to be thankful for. i know my cup runneth over, and this has been a perfect week and month to focus on my blessings.

first, i want to thank you with big hugs for all your prayers, thoughts, and good vibes you have sent my way for my thyroid surgery. i feel great. i expected to feel good, considering i had a day surgery, and knew my healing time wouldn’t be too long. however, i had no idea i would feel SO GOOD. Plus, i was so well-cared for during the few days i needed extra rest. my family, friends, and neighbors are angels. i had lots of extra snuggles and love from my family.


green beans wrapped in bacon

November 21, 2012

happy thanksgiving eve! we have friends visiting, and i am trapped in a happy bubble. good friends just make you laugh the way no one else does, do you know what I mean? it’s so good for the soul. i hoped to share this recipe with you earlier today, but one good thing lead to another, and now before i head off to bed, i must get this posted!

if it isn’t too late to add this to your Thanksgiving menu, or you happen to be serving green beans and have bacon in the fridge, i cannot recommend this recipe enough!

you will need: to serve approximately 12-18

* one pound fresh green beans
* two pounds bacon
* water
* salt

to start,


*new to me*

November 19, 2012

in monday tradition, i am sharing something with you that is ‘new to me’, today that includes introducing one of my friends. julia blake.

julia is one of the first women i met when we moved to massachussetts last year. and she is one of the most involved-in-her-community women i know. from local politics to school council to being the ultimate football momma, this mother of six – five sons and one daughter is a talented woman. (everyone needs a julia in their life when they move to a new city!) as our lives have crossed throughout the past year, we’ve shared many a conversation about what we’re both currently working on – what our latest craft craze is etc.
