P A R T Y G I R L !

SHE MADE IT! It was so stressful for me – there were 106 girls who auditioned in her group for roles as a party girl and they chose 28! There will be 7 girls in 4 kids casts. In the first cut, about 50 girls came out, and most of them were crying – it was heart wrenching. Then there was a second cut, still no Kiana came out, and then they announced that the last group was all the girls who had been chosen. In the pictures, this is Kiana coming out with the girls who made it. They are given a letter of congratulations, a parent handbook, and a cookie. Then this is Kiana as she was showing me all her things…..her first rehearsal is Friday evening, but we learned today that we will be in charge of her hairdo but that she will have a “make-up call” time to get her make up done for each performance and she’s pretty excited about that. She also has a costume fitting next week. It’s going to involve A LOT of driving, but the experience for her makes it all worth it. And we’ve got like 5 more seasons of Gilmore girls to watch in the car…

5 responses to “P A R T Y G I R L !”

  1. YAHOOOOOO!! I knew she would make it. i bet she is going to love getting her make up done all the time.
    Way to go Kiana!

  2. We totally want to go! Let us know when tickets are on sale. So fun, and I love that you are catching up on Gilmore Girls–we have seen everyone 🙂

  3. Yea! No doubt she would make it (eventually, at least!) but how GREAT! 🙂 We can’t wait to come see her perform! (Well, okay, I can’t wait… but I WILL drag the guys! A little ballet won’t hurt any of them!) So exciting! 🙂

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