our little video: talk of the town

last september we had our family pictures by blue lily photography. at the same time they shot a little video of us. i absolutely adore those blue lily peeps, and if you haven’t checked out their siteyou should. they are currently touring the world teaching photography and shooting incredible photos in the process. they may be near you soon! they will be in boston again this Fall.

each time i watch this video i catch myself smiling from beginning to end. so many little things that you might not notice that happen every day in our family are caught on tape.

hope you enjoy the video. music by jack johnson.

I want to be where the talk of the town
Is about last night when the sun went down
And the trees all dance
And the warm wind blows in that same old sound
And the water below gives a gift to the sky
And the clouds give back every time they cry
And make the grass grow green beneath my toes
And if the sun comes out
I’ll paint a picture all about
The colors I’ve been dreaming of
The hours just don’t seem enough
To put it all together
Maybe it’s as strange as it seems
And the trouble I find is that the trouble finds me
It’s a part of my mind it begins with a dream
And a feeling I get when I look and I see
That this world is a puzzle, I’ll find all of the pieces
And put it all together, and then I’ll rearrange it
I’ll follow it forever
Always be as strange as it seems
Nobody ever told me not to try
And the water below gives a gift to the sky
And the clouds give back every time they cry
And make the grass grow green beneath my toes
And if the sun comes out
I’m going to paint a picture all about
The colors I’ve been dreaming of
The hours just don’t seem enough
To put it all together
Always be as strange as it seems

6 responses to “our little video: talk of the town”

  1. Oh my, That was absolutely adorable!! i haven’t been able to check blogs lately and i am in love!!! How perfect! I love the still shot of the kids and KJ’s smile is so darling. Love you all to pieces!!! xxoo

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