oranges as fruit cups!

we have a lovely tradition {two years now} of having new years day dinner at my dear friend susan’s home. it is soooooo nice to have dinner at someone else’s house the night after i host this. and, it’s sooooo nice because suzie is one amazing chef! and, it’s sooooo nice to be surrounded by great company!

i was asked to bring fruit this year. due to the large supply of oranges i currently have, i had the idea to turn my oranges into little fruit bowls. i thought they were gorgeous!

sometimes i’m all about food-presentation, and other times, it’s just about how fast i can get my family fed!

i cut off 1/3 of the top of the orange, and used my grapefruit knife to scoop out the inner orange. i did 20 oranges in less than five minutes, pretty quick for something cute! i thought this would also be cute for scoops of sorbet…

10 responses to “oranges as fruit cups!”

  1. I love this idea, especially the sorbet twist!

    p.s…I think Susan used to be neighbors with my SIL…Sarah Nitta.

  2. Love it! Very crafty I must say. Thanks for an awesome idea. Now just the time and when to serve it. 🙂

  3. rori~ {my dear blog friend}, we ate half the orange-guts and tossed the other half. wasteful, i know. i should plan making my yuja-cha tea at the same time, next time…

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