ode to duct tape.

my myla has a serious-new-fetish.

duct tape! No I don’t mean some BDSM duct tape sexual fantasy that you’d probably find viewers of https://www.fulltube.xxx/ and other adult sites, enjoy.

it all started when kiana’s friend tara started making & selling flower duct tape rings. myla ordered one from tara, and when she told me about it, i told myla, YOU should learn how to make them – that’s totally your kind of thing!

so. we asked tara to come over and give myla a duct-tape-flower-making lesson. soon after, i visited the local ‘hobby lobby’ + ‘target’ and bought a serious supply of duct tape to help myla get started…

and since then, duct tape creations have been popping up around our home like crazy! kj has even gotten involved. so, we returned to the store and bought him duct tape with flames & camo.

myla has set up a duct-tape station. it includes her laptop {because she searches for youtube tutorials on things she can make out of duct tape!} + lots of duct tape + a ruler + scissors. —

you can see a few of the duct tape projects here – the flower rings {this zebra/red design was made by kiana’s bestie tara.} + wallets + roses. kj loves to make me a rose, spray it with perfume and bring it to me. ::smiles::

one night kj found a tutorial online for flip-flops, and he’s been wearing these for a few days now! such a funny kid!

i really can’t believe how occupied these kiddos have been with duct tape! it’s really been a fun-summer-craft-project to kick off summer vacation.

if you are interested in trying some duct tape crafts, check out this link on youtube.

have you made anything like these out of duct tape? there are such cute duct tape designs & colors these days. click here to see!

happy crafting!

{all photos by me – and not the best quality, taken on my iphone, very very late one night! this is not a sponsored post.}

16 responses to “ode to duct tape.”

  1. My kiddo’s love Duct tape too. My 13 year old makes pens, wallets, what ever she can think of. My niece made a duct tape purse at Christmas…. Kids enjoy the simplest things.

  2. Kate and Myla would be such great friends…I wish we lived closer to you! She LOVES duct tape! One of her favorites is covering old glasses (with the lenses popped out) in different colors of small pieces of duct tape-they turn out so cute.

  3. This is on our Summer Fun list! Thanks for the ideas. Michela was telling me about the duct tape flowers and now I know what they look like. Looks like I’m going to be buying some duct tape, that is if you haven’t bought it all first! 🙂

  4. Back in my college days my roommates and I made duct tape pants. We wore them to a dance. News flash… duct tape does not breathe. Dancing, equals hot, and sweaty. And with duct tape pants you are asking for heat stroke. It was fun and cute though! I will have to turn my eight year old on to it. He just uses reams and reams of paper and rolls and rolls of scotch tape for his creations. He is famous for them around our parts.

  5. Super fun. I love how Myla has always been into creating! Cheese wrappers and now duct tape 🙂

  6. What a unique idea. I have three boys and their fine motor skills are challenging. This looks like a fun activity. Who knew that duct tape came in so many fun colors. Thanks for sharing and I can’t believe we only have a few more days of See Jane Blog! ;-( You always have the best ideas!

  7. My 8 yr old is really in to duct tape too! He came home from school the one day and said “Mommy, I really like Ella, I might ask her to be my girlfriend” When I asked him why he liked her he said “because she is really good at making things out of duct tape” =)

  8. Oh my gosh! That is so adorable!! I love that KJ brings you flowers sprayed with perfume! Too cute!! And those rings are amazing! So fun!

  9. My little guy is so into duct tape too … these are great ideas, I am showing him these pictures tomorrow!!

  10. ALL of my fathers day presents from Paris, Tristan and Esher were of the Duct Tape variety! They used the DT myla gave to paris for her birthday and made me flowers, robot heads, an iPhone and even a working Angry Birds game!


    • omgosh, Jared – THAT is awesome! i couldn’t get more than the first 15 seconds of the video to work, but i LOVE the duct tape creations i saw!!!

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