nycda – salt lake city

what a fun weekend. I was exhausted at the end of it, and I can only imagine how Kiana felt because she was the one doing all of the dancing! On Friday she attended workshop classes from 3-10:30pm, and then we stayed at the oh-so-hip hotel Monaco. i love their decor…the hotel Monaco is a pet-friendly hotel, but if you have left your pet home, then they have a “guppy love” program. You request a goldfish, and they bring it to you! I requested one to surprise Kiana, she thought it was pretty cool-
On Saturday morning, we were up and going early. Her first workshop class started at 8am. She attended classes till 2:30 and during that time also had scholarship auditions for the minis (ages 7-10 years). Scholarships give the girls financing to attend more regional NYCDA competitions or Nationals. There were 65 girls in the mini classes, and about 18 made it to the semi-finals. Kiana made it! She worked so hard in all of her classes.

Then the competition began…
We are not allowed to take video or photos at the competition, so these are the photos I purchased from the vendor-

This was one of the only times I have seen Kiana get nervous! She was so worried sick with herself, and she had nothing to worry about because she had a great performance! At NYCDA they rank the dances on PLATINUM, GOLD, HIGH SILVER, or SILVER. If you receive one of those rankings, you qualify to take your dance to Nationals.

Her solo – “dancing with myself” received a GOLD!

Junior company “call the law” received a GOLD!
i LOVE this picture!
{Kiana is such a fun performer to watch, her faces are so great!}

the production number with Junior, Teen, and Senior Company “I’m Alive” received a PLATINUM! She is the far right dancer up above…During awards they do Mini and Junior awards together in the middle of the night. Then they do Teen and Senior awards at the end. Our Teens and Seniors had about a dozen dances, and every single one of them received a PLATINUM! Center Stage had such a great night, Kiana did so great, congrats to everyone for working so hard! It was so fun to watch! We made it back home just after 1am…a bit of a long day for my bear!

16 responses to “nycda – salt lake city”

  1. A-MAZ-ing! WOW! Congrats to Center Stage! And what a fun weekend for you two ladies to share! (Hmmm… Maybe I do need a girl, after all…)

  2. hey! their call of the law dance was only ONE point from being a platinum! that is good!! that was a fun weekend!

  3. She is such an incredible dancer! COngrats, Kiana!
    Those are some great photos! I wish my legs still moved like that (so does Geoff! wink-wink)!

  4. She did a fab job on her solo! Make sure you tell her we are proud of her. I too think Center Stage did awesome! I loved watching them!

  5. WA-HOO!! Kiana bear, you are amazing!! I love the pictures and LOVE how she placed on everything.
    Center Stage always does so good!

  6. Those pictures are awesome! You’ll have to tell us when you guys are here in NY and we can come watch her!

  7. Congrats, Kiana! The pictures are amazing – I am absolutely astounded that she can do these amazing things at her age. I also loved your Kiana post. It’s really fun to read more about your kids and what makes them tick. What an all around great girl!

  8. Very exciting! Those pictures are quite amazing of Kiana. Congrats on all your hard work it hads definetly paid off.

  9. I love it ALL! I would love to see her dance sometime, she looks so impressive with those beautiful legs of hers, wow!

  10. I am so proud of your little dancer. I can’t imagine how proud you must be of her when I’m just a by-stander and so proud of her. WAY TO GO {both of you…she couldn’t haven’t made it without you!}

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