
Right after the field trip, Kiana and I headed to Salt Lake City for the NUVO dance competition. She attended workshop dance classes (the convention) from 2-8pm, we skipped out on the last two hours of classes Friday to get a little extra shut eye. We were both so exhausted. Then we were back up before dawn Saturday morning for the competition and MORE dance classes. I was up at 4am, and bearsy and Isabel 5am! We had to be back at the Salt Palace with hair, make-up, breakfast eaten and ready to dance at 7am. This weekend we stayed at the best Marriott Hotel. It is located downtown on State St. and 200 South and when we checked into our room Friday night and looked out our room windows the downtown ice skating rink was right behind us! It was so cozy and perfect. The park is full of Christmas lights and tons of people were out ice skating. We also had Kiana’s friend Isabel staying with us so we ordered room service for hot chocolate and snuggled into bed. so perfect!

All of our Center Stage dancers did an excellent job at the competition! The highest award that NUVO gives is called the “DJ’s pick” and Center Stage not only was the only studio to receive this award for any of their dances, but we also got THREE of them! Way to go dancers! Kiana dances on the “Junior company” and they were given an award for one of their dances being the highest scoring dance out of all the Juniors so they got to dance again at Saturday evenings award show/ceremony.
Shout-out to the Juniors, woo-hoo!
Kiana and I were feeling a little worn-out on Saturday afternoon too, and I had SO many things I needed to get done/shop for/etc. so we ditched most of Saturdays workshop classes to have lunch at Happy Sumo and shop at the Gateway. LOVE the Gateway! Then she headed back to the convention for the award show, did her dance, and during the awards she received a honorable mention award for the TAP class she attended on Friday. TAP is not her strong point, so I was very proud of her for working so hard in class and volunteering to do the dance in front of the class when she does not have hardly any training in TAP. Way to go Bear, we love you sweets.

I didn’t take any pictures during Nuvo, we weren’t allowed to use flash photography and they didn’t have a professional photographer to buy any from…so, without pictures, for the record, we had a fabulous time.

2 responses to “nuvo”

  1. That Marriott is my favorite-we used it a bunch of times for competitions when i was working for the Olympics and they always always went the extra mile for us. plus i love that those big windows in the gym-makes it so much more pleasant to work out in a hotel gym.

    ah salt lake. i miss you.

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