
kiana, and center stage had a fantastic week at nationals for nuvo.

the dancers spend their week, dancing. dancing. dancing. around the clock.

kiana would take workshop classes from 8am-2pm each day. i would meet up with her for lunch, and our typical scene is shown below… dancers and their mommas at lunch break~

then each afternoon from about 4pm-midnight is the national competition. we are not allowed to take photos during the competition because professional videos & photos are offered there, so i am limited, to where i can snap away…but still got a few.

kiana was competing as a junior national break out artist. down below is a quick photo of my girl running her solo before the competition, warming up.

i dare everyone to sit down, and try the pose she is in…!

seriously, don’t you have to look twice just to figure out where her leg is coming from?!?

on the right, kiana is pictured with jessie thacker, she is adorable & so talented. kiana’s contemporary ‘what sound’ solo was choreographed by jessie.

you can watch the video of her solo, here.

kiana, in her solo costume, with two of her dance besties jace & lisa. these three girls have grown-up dancing together for years. they were also national breakout dancers from CS.

the photos below i purchased from the competition. i love seeing the still frames! after seeing the dance live and watching the video, you don’t often realize how amazing my bearzy’s technique is! kiana did great with her solo. high gold twice!

the two pictures below are both teen, and teen/senior companies from center stage.

stacy bills, their coach is pictured with them. i just love watching these kids dance!

after kiana and i had been in cali for a week, dusty drove down with our other three kiddo’s to meet up with us. {yay!} dusty, moi, and our other three enjoyed the hotel, century city {a charming mall a block away from our hotel} and pool time during the day while kiana kept on dancing!

century city has these awesome double decker strollers at the mall.
kj & sela just had to try them out! kj could barely fit! such a funny kid!

one morning, sela took her new bubble kit out on our patio, and had LARGE bubbles floating down from our room. kj and myla were quickly behind her wanting to participate too! it was pretty much the highlight of their day. i totally recommend doing this on your next family trip!

oh, how we love lazy family mornings!
{except kiana was still in classes dancing her heart out!}

i’ve decided that my myla is pretty much the funnest sister to have. ever!

one afternoon we were at the pool all day, she gathered up every pool noodle and was giving sela & kj rides. she does silly-fun stuff like this with her siblings all the time. my heart just flutters when i hear my kids giggling together & playing together like that.

pure joy.

the last night of nuvo is the ‘gala.’ it’s a semi-formal event, red carpet, yummy dinner, and all the judges favorite/top dances from all week are performed.

we love it.

in the photo on the left, all our kiddo’s wanted to walk the red carpet with us before they headed off to hang-out for the evening with one of the dancers who was not performing in the gala. this way, dusty, kiana, and i could enjoy the evening. such a fun night with our kiana! she performed a piece with all the junior breakout artists, and a teen company dance with center stage in the gala.

the photos from the red carpet all turned out strange. we’re all squinting a bit. there were so many lights. it even made my camera all wacky.

on the right, kiana’s dance bestie cheyenne, such a cutie, sat at our table with us.

how often do you get to be dressed up and enjoy a fancy evening with one child?!?
dusty & i loved it, every second of it. and, can i just say,
dang. my husband is handsome! i am one really lucky woman!!!

center stage did GREAT at nationals! we had a fantastic year.
now, they’re already getting ready for 2010-2011.

center stage is having auditions this week. if you’re interested in having your child on a company there…{which i highly recommend.}
check it out!

13 responses to “nuvo”

  1. So I have ZERO clue what all the dance lingo and titles mean but DANG – those pictures tell it all. What great extention and hops she has! Do they even call it hops in dance or is that just a boy basketball term? What a great and proud couple of weeks for you guys. Good job, Kiana! And I expect great seats when she is staring on broadway 😉

  2. Kiana is a beautiful dancer… her technique and extensions are amazing. A few more years and she'll be on SYTYCD!!! You must be so proud!

  3. Speaking of Center Stage, did you notice that picture of the kids in the stroller has Julianne Hough ad in the background? 🙂

    Love this post… makes me so proud of all the hard work Bear puts into her dance!

  4. Just caught up on reading about our favorite fam. You are all too cute and look like you had a blast in Cali. What wonderful kids. Hannah is always talking about Kiana and how she need to be just like her. I'm a happy momma that she has picked such a wonderful role model. Thanks for raising such great kids!

  5. Yes you are lucky indeed! For lots of reasons 🙂 Looks like an amazing trip. And um, Kiana is sort of like totally super duper amazing! I can only imagine how fun it is for you to watch her perform 🙂

  6. WOW!!! Kiana is a beautiful dancer! Her solo was amazing! What a fun time for the two of you to spend together, I love that she is so mature and so much fun to hang out with. That is so nice that the res of your family was able to meet up with you too…your kids are so cute!

  7. Awww Kiana is all grown up and such a beautiful dancer!I remember when I taught her in Kindergarten, she and I would talk about dance and she would ask me about my daughter who dances…so cute!I love your blog Jane (especially your love of the redsox)I too am a big fan…saw my first game at Fenway in 1977! I know, i'm old.

  8. Yay, I finally got to see Kiana dance! She's absolutely amazing. Love her costume! What a talented,beautiful, and well-rouned girl she is. Love you guys!

  9. Your blog is darling! I love all these nationals pictures! Kiana should be so proud! I'm jealous at how cute your blog is! I need to step it up!

  10. hi!! maybe you didn't know me yet..but im a big fan of yours,,,here in phillipines even if i cant see you in personal but still im watching all of your latest activities………send my regards to your family,,specially to your father Dusty…hehehe……………. im 100% LDS…DARE TO BE AMORMON>>

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