my valentine.

we kept things very low-key this year.

i’ve been recovering from a minor surgery that i’ve put off for years and finally took care of. so, i wasn’t looking to go grand-scale with plans.

my husband always comes through when it comes to gifts, flowers, and all the romantic stuff i could ever wish for.

he planned our dinner here with good friends, which is a fresh & swanky kind of joint.
i highly recommend the flank steak.

and, this + this appeared on my kitchen table with big bows around them…
both, will last way longer than flowers or chocolates!

thank you, babe.

did you celebrate?
any recommendations for a healing-umbilical?!?

One response to “my valentine.”

  1. i hope your recovering well, i'm sure you will have the perfect belly button now, right? we all need that surgery!

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