My sister Sue & brother-in-law Irv are visiting…

for the week! They reside in Alaska, so a visit from them is a rare treat! I plan on posting a little of my real genealogy one of these days to spread some light on where we all fit in my family…

But, until then, I’ll share the fun we’re having with Sue & Irv here – They came into town on Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday, we opted for a girls day out. We indulged ourselves with “glitter toes” and lunch at Dear Lizzy…

Myla & Kiana
Sue & Mom
me, Sela, Heather & Lily, Myla
our glitter toes!!!

Then today we ran all over town…but, a few of the highlights were –
lunch at Chef’s Table –
KJ’s “Little Gym” program/awards day –

Dusty’s softball games –
the fans
Sela trying to break into the dug-out to give Daddy some loves…

the Rhodes MVP…

5 responses to “My sister Sue & brother-in-law Irv are visiting…”

  1. Looks like you are having a blast and staying super busy! LOVE the glitter toes! It is always the best to have family around!

  2. SO fun to see pics with the FAM! (Aside from Grandma Pat, of course!) I am amazed to realize that in 17 years of friendship, I think I’ve seen Sue… once… twice… maybe? Glad they made it out to visit… What a fun time it looks like you are having! 🙂 Loves… miss you~

  3. How fun. Me and Av went and got glitter toes on sat. Av noticed in your pix that you and I picked the same color. She said we match. :)Looks like good times!

  4. Lots of fun jammed into a couple of days…and I bet you are just getting started! I love all your creative ideas of great things to do!

  5. We had so much fun, Thanks! I love Lilly’s face at Dear Lizzy! I didn’t know she was making that face.
    LOL 🙂

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