my myla

has been taking art lessons from Kathryn Knudsen.
I fell in love with Kathryn’s art a while back in the Soel boutique
{i love soel – even if there’s no money to spend, i will regularly just walk through the shop to enjoy the atmosphere!}.
her artwork completely reminded me of things Myla is constantly making…

I hunted Kathryn down and wha-la! After a few emails, we managed to arrange art lessons for Myla!

Myla loves the time she spends with Kathryn.
they draw, color, use markers, paint, cut and glue felt, glue tissue paper, sew paper, they dye paper in teas.
It is very cool.
very Kathryn.
very Myla.
Myla is working on pieces she is going to hang in her room.

this one is my favorite, so far-

check out Kathryn’s etsy shop!

2 responses to “my myla”

  1. That is so fun! I love how your kids are so active. By the time they are adults they will be heavily armed with skills and talents to get them through life. I just don’t know how you have time for all of it! You’re definately a Super Hero;)

  2. myla’s braids are so cute! my mom used to do my hair like that about once a year. It took FOREVER but i absolutely loved it.

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