my little cheerleader

last weekend we received an email from our local high school cheerleaders that invited anyone in our community to join in cheering alongside them the next morning at the football game.

i instantly sent husband an email saying, sela would be all-over this!

as soon as i hit send, i received an email from husband saying, did you get this? i bet sela would want to go!

ha! our six year old bug is a big fan of cheerleaders.

out of three daughters, i might have one who follows in my footsteps…

that’s right. i was a cheerleader. all four years of high school i cheered. i was even captain one year, and i absolutely loved it. best memories ever.

this memory leads me into another thought. when my kids are disgruntled, moody, displeased with themselves, a sibling, or me — i love to remind them. dude. i am on your team. i am your cheerleader. your family is your fan club, in fact, i am the president of your fan club. remember this: we are all cheering for you. of course i like to add some jazz hands and spins, and before you know it they are all smiles and shaking their head in disbelief at how ridiculous their momma is… but isn’t it true? don’t we all need to be reminded, fairly often, that we have a fan club. that we have support. that those around us are literally cheering in our behalf.

do this today – to someone in your family, or a friend, tell someone that you are cheering for them and watch a smile cross their face. they will soften up in a heartbeat. maybe it’s just what they need to overcome something they are dealing with…

{i’m thinking: all cheerleaders need polka-dot scarves & converse, right?}

hand-in-back-pocket: adorable.

my little cheerleader: her personality and sweetness gushes in front of the camera.
and when i look at these images i can still hear her cheering, and the giggles in the air.

i caught her playing with her shadow over and over again…

love her.

so, tell me, who are the seejaneblog reader-cheerleaders out there?!?

{photos by me, Jane Beckner Rhodes}

7 responses to “my little cheerleader”

  1. Awesome post Jane!! I was not cool enough to be a cheerleader, but I LOVED what they did for our football and basketball games in high school. We had SO much school spirit and even though the studentbody was diverse and people didn’t all like each other (hey – it WAS high school) we were ALL unified cheering for our team.

    I have used this concept before with my family, but you have given me even more dialogue to improve the metaphor. And since you cheered for 4 years maybe you can help me remember all the great cheers I once knew (and I totally forgot the name JAZZ hands). You ROCK!!!

  2. Cheerleader all through high school… I loved every minute of it!!

    By the way, love your elf post. I thought I had all of our Alex Elf antics planned out for this year, but you gave me some great ideas! 🙂

  3. ok, so i love that your high school colors are Red & Black like ours!! we had an awesome football season and i love cheering on our team {at home too}!! Ivy is pretty much our only cheerleader now, because olivia refuses to wear her cheer outfit any more. {sigh} she’s too cool now. Ha! Love this post! hope you are recovering well. xxoo

  4. I did not cheer in high school (played basketball and ran track instead) but DID cheer at my junior college for 3 years! it was a BLAST. i wouldnt have changed my decision for the world! i highly recommend doing a little bit of everything to everyone 🙂 gave me alot of fun/new (challenging) experiences! and never got “burnt out” from any of the sports i participated in [YES cheer IS a sport :)]

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