my girls’ rooms…

are so close to being done…but i’m going to post a few pictures now and then maybe again when they’re finished…

we have lived in our current home for over five years now. and until a few months ago, all the kids were still in the original rooms i placed them in. kiana being the oldest was given a room with her own bathroom. lucky girl. myla, for years has stated her complaint that she wanted kiana’s room. kiana was having nothing to do with trading, till a few months ago.

i don’t know what changed, but all of a sudden one night these two girls agreed to trading rooms. i spent DAYS making the change happen. WAY MORE WORK for me, than them! On top of the musical bedrooms taking place, i upgraded sela from her crib/toddler bed to a big big girl bed. she’s kind of liking it, but most of the time still opts to sleep with a sibling in one of their rooms. she’s a snuggle-bug, and the perfect tiny size to snuggle with too!

all the work was totally worth it. and really, i love projects like this. rearranging furniture, throwing out bags of old stuff {yard sale this next summer}, re-decoraing. right up my alley!

sela’s room~

myla’s room~

kiana’s room~

5 responses to “my girls’ rooms…”

  1. ADORABLE! And I'm so excited for you guys to go to Maui (I know Jenn is excited too!) And don't worry about the shoes on the hikes. Ours were just ghetto water shoes that you buy at the ABC stores there for like $10. Have so much fun!!!!

  2. Their rooms are AMAZING Jane!! What lucky girls! You are an incredible decorator…they look perfect. Makes me want to do some things to my girls rooms…but they don't have much space unfortunately. Have a BLAST in Maui…I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Your girls rooms are seriously the cutest ever!
    I want you to come decorate my girls rooms next, in all of your spare time. hehe!

  4. Jane they look adorable! You have such a gift for putting things together! Could you loan a little talent this direction?lol

  5. Can you seriously come decorate my house? We have been here 3 years and still nothing! I'm so lame and so not creative! These rooms are so so cute!

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