my girls rock…

at climbing!

They are half-way through their week of camp, and loving it!I stopped by to visit them during camp time today and they were just finishing up snack/lunch time. They were playing with a short rope, jump-roping to…”helicopter…helicopter…” I always love to see that some things about little girls growing up never change…Then they had to show me some of their hanging skills with the same rope-Besides the climbing and belaying, their favorite thing of camp is…


I consider this to be child bunji jumping at best.

They clip in, and jump off the 2ND story of the Quarry and continue to swing till their camp director instantly drops them to the floor, lack of breath and lots of smiles included!

10 responses to “my girls rock…”

  1. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for your note! It was really great to meet you, ever so briefly. You and your family are so darling! I would LOVE to join you guys in your next season if you need another body. I had an insane amount of fun last week!

  2. How fun!!!! That has to be the coolest camp ever, I would have loved that when I was a kid! Kate is totally into the hand shakes right now and it is so fun for me because most of them are them same ones I did so I totally know what you mean with that!

  3. I so want to go there! It looks so fun! I love how Myla & Kiana are showing off their dance moves— even when rock climbing! 🙂

  4. oh my gosh, that looks amazing. I love those two so much and miss them after only two weeks. It is weird to see someone everyday and then not at all for two weeks:) I can’t wait for next week.

  5. Umm…do they have camps for big kids – like me? I really need to try that, it looks like so much fun! Maybe Kiana & Myla can give me some lessons!

  6. My boys loved this camp last year. I feel like we will miss out on so much cause we’re gone all the time! Oh well – sacrifice one experience for another…So fun for your girls to have each other. They are so opposite but both darling in their own way.

  7. Rock climbing camp? How fun is that! My Gracie would think that was the greatest thing ever. Your girls are adorable and I LOVE the shoes!

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