my babe comes home today…

he’s been gone for exactly 24 days.



that’s the longest we have been apart from one another,


yeah, longest we’ve been apart since we’ve been married, engaged,
and the time we spent dating.

dearest army spouses:

we have no idea how you do it.
big big KUDOS, to you all.

here’s a picture he sent me about a week ago…

while working, here, he takes breaks with the guys to play a little volleyball..
he says, the guys are all really good.

since i had so much time alone…
what’s a girl to do???

  • i super-cleaned & organized all the kids’ closets, and everyone is set for the new school year.
    that included mending a few items, ironing a few items, and passing along all the hand-me-downs between the girls.
  • took 17 bags of kids items to ‘kid to kid.’
  • cleaned my closet
  • took one large bag of items to ‘plato’s closet’
  • school clothes shopping & school supply shopping…all done.
  • back to school home-lunch supplies in pantry: FULLY stocked.
  • made crepes for breakfast: 100 times. at least.
  • deep-cleaned the house, again, and organized our TOYS.
  • washed & ironed all bedding, quilts, blankets, pillows shams, etc. every bed & linen is freshly clean!
  • took my SUV in to get a tire checked.
  • started to make plans for a special man’s 40th birthday…this year.
  • designed my girlfriend’s birthday presents, for this next year…!!! so fun.
  • planned sela’s 4th birthday party, and made the invitations! {7 weeks away…}
  • started plans for another friend-sons birthday party…
  • we almost have all halloween costumes planned and completely purchased and/or designed.
  • wrote our annual christmas newsletter!!! {really happy about this one!}
  • did a little more christmas shopping! almost done!!!
  • designed a blog header, for a friend.
  • swam with the kids, a ga-zillion times.
  • found a dead snake on our driveway and i had to dispose of it…

removing the snake, is a job i really dislike –
husbands are really good at this stuff,
when they are home!

  • stopped eating sugar for two weeks, had a total meltdown for two days and ate all the sugar in site, too big of a list for here, and have been off sugar again for another week now… thank goodness for new beginnings! {over & over & over!}
  • took all four of my munchkins in for their six-month dental check-ups. it is always an adventure to take FOUR kids to the dentist, at once. kj & myla kept us all entertained!

if you are looking for a great pediatric dentist in utah county, i can recommend one…

and a great orthodontist.

  • took kiana, myla, and kj to the orthodontist…my kids have some interesting things going on with their teeth, geesh. thank goodness for modern day technology!!!
  • committed one whole day to my moosey. i believe, this one day may have changed this girl, forever. she really needed one-on-one momma time. when kiana was in fourth grade {here}, her class went on a field trip to timpanogos cave. this past year, when myla was in fourth grade, the field trip was postponed then later cancelled and i promised her i would take her, alone. well, we finally planned the day, and it was beautiful. i’ve hiked to timp cave three times in my life now. and we had the best tour guide i’ve ever had, this time. myla started our day by choosing ihop for breakfast. we spent most of our day in the canyon & hiking, then made a special stop at ‘dear lizzy’ for cupcakes at the end of our day. i just love this girl, to pieces. she is just so sensitive, thoughtful, and has the best sense of humor. she told me over and over, “i had a blast, mom, thank you, this was the best day ever!” i need to do this more, with her. she’s so content to not get most of the attention, most of the time. i even noticed that myla wore the same tennis shoes hiking to the cave that her big sis kiana wore when she hiked it…myla is my very happy & content hand-me-down girl.

side note: myla and i were sore for a WEEK after hiking timpanogos cave…we thought we were in shape! it was the
hike down that killed our calves!!! ohuoi.

  • worked out/exercised half of the days my man was gone. the other half were just impossible. during those work-outs, finished season FIVE of desperate housewives. i’m so hooked. can’t wait to get my hands on season six. daytime tv is just plain awful, my minutes pass so slowly when sweatin’ to something boring!
  • went to about seven movies, four were girls nights out {thank you besties}, and took kiddo’s to three movies. have you noticed, we love movies around here!!!
  • the kids: kiana attended her annual dance intensive camp at center stage, kj went to tennis practice four days a week, myla went twice, one saturday morning tournament, sela went to little gym summer camp four times, had numerous play dates with friends & family, myla went to soccer practice three times a week and had her first tournament.
  • i have this habit of listening to ‘bbc radio’ while driving, laura marling has been on there frequently, lately… and i’m lovin’ this and this song by her. enjoy.
  • and so much more…

funny thing…after ALL of this, my ‘to-do’ list for today,

before husband arrives home late tonight is still HUGE!

wish me luck!

14 responses to “my babe comes home today…”

  1. you are great in everything you do!!! Men i just have two kids and work full time, and don't know what to do for activities for them when I am home, but you are a good example. Hey I have a question for you, i have a little boy that in a month he will be 4 🙂 I am planning a Train b-day party theme, can you give me some ideas on activities to do for the kids?? and suprise bags for them, don't know what to do on those things, i have the invitations and the cake, but don't know what to give for food or activities. Thanks tons and sorry to take your time away by helping me and give me some advise. 😉

  2. ahhhhh i need to hurry and get to kid to kid!!! Jane! Call me before kid to kid! hahaha

    love that you have your 'Christmas shopping' all done! I still need more ideas! ha

    yahoooooo for dusty coming home! I would be freaking out about that snake!!

  3. If I go away for 3 weeks and 3 days will you come do my huge projet to do list? Top priority, scrapbooking and video editing – I'm behind 2 years.
    I bet it feels good to get organized and semi prepared for holiday season. I want to know if it takes less than 3 weeks and 3 days for you to be ready to ship Dusty off again 😉 J/K!

  4. Holy cow you got a lot done! Nice work! It's really nice that you were able to spend an entire day with just Myla. It sounds like she really loved it.

  5. Wow… you did ALL that? Here's what I did. Spent every day at the beach surfing and working on my tan, jogged lightly occasionally, ate gourmet food, played Halo until 3am each night, read the new Dan Brown and Dean Kuntz books I've been dying to read, learned to speak Chinese, had my daily massage and spa time, lifted weights each day in a modern beautiful facility, caught a few concerts including the Black Eyed Peas and Beyonce who invited me backstage for some snacks, and on and on… 🙂 MISS YOU! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU, HOLD YOU!

  6. I'm with Shannon. I'm headed to kid to kid 🙂 It must be said again Jane… You are simply amazing. I hope to be half as organized as you in my next life! Glad you have your hubby back. We're one week in on our 6 week apart adventure. I'm always so grateful to have Curt back in my arms when we're apart this long.

  7. Shannon & Cass- i still have some goods in my garage, if you wanna look!

    and, Jenn- Dusty leaves again on the 30th for another week or two… 😉

  8. Jane, I am amazed that you have time to post on your blog. Cristie and I both enjoy reading your blog and I love the design! Keep it coming.


  9. you are my hero! i love that you're so productive. i'm glad i got to spend a few days with you while dusty was gone. i love hanging with my bestie. 😉

    but i'm glad he's home now!

  10. Awe, so glad your man came home! That plain ol' sucks to have to be apart that long… BUT you did it, and it looks like you had plenty to keep you busy!

  11. I love getting organized…makes life easier. What a great summer you guys had. Myla will always remember that day with you! What a cutie!

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