moxie girlz makeover torso…

this is what sela chose for her reward at the store last week…

i have to admit, as messy as it was, i would have totally wanted one
of these when i was a little girl too!

sela gave sophina a beautiful hair dye-make-over, we cleaned up the mess,
and put her in the trash an hour later.

{i sure hope sela never wants one of these ever again!!!}

3 responses to “moxie girlz makeover torso…”

  1. Gotta say too… Kudos Kids Village… doing what mom and dad can't… potty training our 3 1/2 year old. 🙂

  2. i wondered about this cute doll!

    we gave it as a bday present to livi's friend Olivia. hope her mom doesn't hate me!

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