

a jolie good time! {hehe}
seriously. best action movie i’ve seen in a long time.
realize: jolie does all her own stunts in this movie…


step-up 3D

kiana, myla, and i went to a late showing of this, this past weekend…
kiana just attended dance nationals with the cutie-patootie hip-hop girl who stars
in the film. she is a sweetheart right along with being an incredible dancer.

we were more excited about seeing her in the movie,
which helped with dis-regarding how cheesy cliche’ some of it was!

our theater was packed full of hyper college kids,
and everyone ended standing up dancing… fun times.


dinner for schmucks.

Unless you’re a hard-core Carell fan, this is one Dinner reservation I’d consider canceling.

so lame.

going to ‘inception’ again, tonight…finally!!!

any tid-bits of info. that might help me understand it better, without ruining the plot???

2 responses to “movies…”

  1. Dinner for schmucks…terrible! I didn't like it at all! Loved Salt! Even though Brook refuses to admit it I'm certain that he's secretly in love with Angie. Isn't every guy? I still have not seen Step Up 3. I know it's cheesy and has bad acting. But should I still see it on the big screen for the dance scenes alone? Please advise….

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