
iron man

believe the hype. go see it. after iron man & iron man 2, i left the theaters in LOVE with iron man. he rocks. i like a little narcissism in my man.

shrek 3-D ‘the final chapter’

we are HUGE shrek fans at our house, from the original movie. my husband is regularly heard quoting his favorite shrek lines…

You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, “Let’s get some parfait,” they say, “Hell no, I don’t like no parfait”? Parfaits are delicious.”


Our first bachelorette is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot-tubbing any time. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Let’s hear it for Cinderella! Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the Land of Fantasy. Although she lives with seven other men, she’s not easy. Just kiss her frozen, dead lips and find out what a live wire she is. Give it up for Snow White! And last but not least is a fiery redhead who lives in a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by a boiling lake of lava. But don’t let that cool you off. She’s a loaded pistol who likes piña coladas and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona!”

in my opinion, the last ‘shrek the third’ lost my interest, but ‘the final chapter’ is great. they managed to revive the story, but i do hope it ends here.

the prince of persia: the sands of time

i don’t know anything about the video game. i know this about the movie: i loved it! disney is so cool.

3 responses to “movies…”

  1. I have a new love of Jake G! He looks goooood in POP. And Iron Man? Seriously, do I even have to finish this sentence?? Still need to see Shrek though…

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