hey. readers of my blog…
i am just about to begin a blog design project for a friend of mine who is a very successful-branded male in this area, across the U.S.A., and internationally…
before i begin, i am hoping to scout out some great male blogs…
i wanna see what’s out there –
by your recommendations…
the idea of googling “men’s blogs”, “male blogs”, and/or hitting the “next blog button” that blogger offers will likely take me to things i don’t wanna see.
i don’t care if it’s a sports blog, political blog, family blog, whatever the purpose {assuming it’s appropriate} i wanna see it…for inspiration.
please give me some tips!
leave a comment below, with the blog URL, and i’ll check it out!
{{{thank you!}}}
my husband is a killer blogger, when he has the time. here is his site. enjoy! http://www.vengeanceandfury.com/
I don't doubt you know this blog, but just in case… http://sweetpaul.typepad.com/my_weblog/
you should check out my husbands too. http://www.vengeanceandfury.com/
Some of my favorite blogs:
http://www.tedsarmy.com and http://www.mlbtraderumors.com
There are a lot of blogs I'll check out when bored on mlbblogs.com. One is http://www.janeheller.mlbblogs.com Her's is popularly known as Confessions of a She-Fan. Of course referring to the Sox. 🙂
you probably know this one too, but i love it.
These are all dad type blogs but have good links to other Male authored blogs
My husband's sports blog is utahrules.blogspot.com.
my husband's business blog… boring, by man-ish:
I read a lot of blog posts/articles about the Chicago Blackhawks written by a guy named Jum Neveau. A link to his blog is right here: http://thehockeywriters.com/author/jneveau/
These guys are old high school friends, ages 25-ish.
utahrules.blogspot.com is my step dad's blog. Age 49. This blog is all about Sports in Utah. Mind you…. he's a U of U fan over BYU.
Hope this can help in some way.
If you visit these blogs be sure to comment and say LACI AND SHELLE SENT YA!
My personal favorite: http://www.sweet-juniper.com/
do you remember jaime anderson from SUU? her husband is the blogger in their family and he is a RIOT! one of my favorites…he is spotty lately but always entertaining.