maileg :: toy review

words can not describe how much i love these little mice from maileg. and watching miss five play with them on the floor – it’s killing me with cuteness.

soft mini creatures that live in cigar boxes + match boxes. yes please! and, look! there’s a milk carton house + furniture! {gasp!}

The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. –Plato

Easter is in one month – they have special toys and decor for that, too!

are you already a Maileg fan? what do you think?
we purchased our little maileg sets locally here in Wellesley.

{photos by me. this is not a sponsored post.}

3 responses to “maileg :: toy review”

  1. I was going to ask you if you had ever been to Pine Straw- I drive by it all the time on my way out to Natick, but am always pushing my luck with my despot in the car seat, so I take a pass. It looks like such a fun store to spend time in. Will have to do that one weekend when I am free of the kiddo!

  2. Hello Jane! I simply adore your blog and your beautiful family. I have always wondered though- Is it pronounced Sell-ah or See-lah? And does KJ stand for anything?

    Thanks! xo

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