little miss three…

has been so sick this week.

after no sleep on tuesday night,
i took her into the pediatrician on wednesday,
to find out she has stridor croup.

after 12 years of motherhood, i have never heard of such a croup.

she’s starting to feel better, but i must admit i really like the raspy little voice she’s had all week…it’s pretty cute.

being sick hasn’t slowed her down one bit… she’s still everything a three year old girl has to offer, alllll day looong.

for example, these are her favorite accessories each morning. usually sela is in our bathroom, and sneaks into mine and dusty’s closet after her bath time, and while nakey loves to put on one of dusty’s baseball hats with a pair of my sunglasses, then she runs around giggling at how silly she is…

when taking this picture,

i said, “sela…smile cute for the picture”
her reply, “my cute smile died…”

in place of her cute smile, she mastered this pout while being sick.


we are loving this owl tee from one stitch at a time,

it’s sew sew cute!

5 responses to “little miss three…”

  1. Oh, what a bummer sick kids are.
    She sure does look dang cute though!
    Love that charcoal dress! May have to get me one of those!

  2. Love the shirt on Sela, she looks SEW cute! 🙂

    My boys have been sick on and off ALL WEEK…I'm exhausted! Hope your week is better!

  3. How do you not just eat her up. She is so dang cute. Ava will be knocking on your door this Summer. I'm hoping to bring my helper back with me for a month so if she comes we'll have the kids over at my place and give you a break!

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