little B

while we have been in maui, our thoughts have been wrapped around this little guy from home…

our dear friends sara and matt, have had a heartbreaking tragedy that began this past saturday morning. many of you know sara, and have already been in touch with her or their family in some way. They are in awe of the outpouring of love & support that their family is receiving.

sara has decided in the past couple of days to keep everyone updated through the staker family blog, here.

we are all hoping and praying for big miracles.

8 responses to “little B”

  1. Jenn told me about this and it just breaks my heart. Reading their blog has me in tears. We'll be praying for him!

  2. I have been thinking and praying for Bronson, Sara and their entire family since I heard. I couldn't stop crying when I was reading her blog. Continued thought and prayers for all of them. What a precious little guy.

  3. Welcome home…
    Casey and I have hardly been able to get this sweet family off of our minds this past weekend, our hearts and prayers go out to them.

  4. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family…the blog is truly touching and had me in tears…at work! Miracles do happen…my little brother Rosco is a testiment to that!

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