lets go red sox yankees!

ohhhhh, the things you’ll do for your kids!

seriously. we are wearing yankee hats!


little league season is well underway, and would you believe our son was placed on the yankees team?!?

when he found out…

he freaked.

husband was out of town when i received the email, and as i gently broke the news to kj…

he freaked.

first, his eyes got really big.

then, he started saying, “i’m not gonna play! i’m not gonna play!”

then, he started crying.

then, i tried to convince him that he would love his team. he had three buddies all playing with him, so we’d have lots of fun at the practices & games. meanwhile, i was thinking, “can i call the city & request a new team, because we’re red sox fans?!? does that only seem like a valid reason to our family?!?”

kj wanted nothing to do with the yankees.

he still refused. {this is where husband is very proud.}

kj said, in loud bursts, “i refuse! put me on a team where i don’t know anyone! i don’t even care if i’m playing with my friends!!! i don’t wanna be a yankee!”

{we raise ’em well around here! ::lol!::}

seriously people…

my little man was soooo upset. for days. each day, he was telling me, “i’m not going to practice. i’m not wearing a yankees uniform. i’m not wearing a yankees hat. i’m still going to wear my red sox hat!”

big papi called home, and tried to call him down. he also explained that his buddies were on the team. he explained that in a real MLB draft, you wouldn’t be able to turn-down a team if they gave you a great offer, etc. etc.

{however, we’re still proud of where little man’s heart is, he is one loyal beast!}

in the end, and a thousand tears later…

kj calmed down & decided to play – if we would all wear yankee hats to his games.

so, there you have it.

we are learning tolerance, around here…

at one of the games this past week, while we were driving there – kj made this sign for me…

go yankes go“… i’m not going to tell him he spelled yankees wrong. ::winks::

kj kept yelling at me throughout the entire game… while he was playing short stop,”mom! hold up the sign!” before he was up to bat, “mom! hold up the sign! not just when i’m batting! for everyone!”

seriously. love. this kid.

we’ve only had about four games, because i swear, if our family calendar says, “kj baseball game…” it snows. or it’s windy. or it’s raining. or it’s just plain freezing cold!

such a bummer.

but, on the days we have games. we wear our hats. and we love our little yanke!

after our last house-hunting trip to boston, we brought home a box of baseball cards for our little man. he is now an avid-baseball-card-collector. husband also gave him his entire collection, and kj was in heaven! his collection book has been going to school with him every day. he only trades-for red sox cards, so his book is almost full of only red sox players.

loyal boy.

and, while on our trip to boston, we heard there are no yankees teams in the little leagues there. we hope that’s true.

13 responses to “lets go red sox yankees!”

  1. so cute! perhaps you can blog about how/where you were when the red sox won the world series?? would love to hear that story!

  2. man, i miss that little guy! he looks so grown-up with his hair grown out. this story reminded me of one time when i was getting him ready for school and tried to put some gel in his hair and comb it to get rid of the bed-head, and kj freaked! he cried and cried and kept saying "i can only wear my hair how my MOM combs it!"

    he finally showed me how you comb it 😉

  3. Silly question? Are you still drinking Xenadrine? I just bought the hyrdroxy drink packets. And wanted to k now if there is a diff? or wich one you like better? You look great!

  4. Hi there! I've been lurking for a bit and I just want to say you guys are awesome. Your attitude and outlook on life are just great! I am now striving to bring this attitude into my own parenting of my three children.

  5. :::k-laa::: – we were in mexico when the red sox won the world series, i should definitely share that story sometime…!

    and kelly – i am still drinking xenadrine, i don't always take it twice a day. but, almost always in the morning. i prefer it over hydroxycut… but, seriously, these are the reasons: one, i don't know why but hydroxycut packages are extremely hard to tear open. why is that? and, hydroxycut seems to stain my mouth red longer than xenadrine does and more intensely. also weird. so, those are the main two reasons i prefer xenadrine, otherwise, physically, i feel they have the same affect.

    and. thank you. xo.

  6. Jane!
    That is good info! And yes my mouth is stained red after I drink it. So when I am out of this I will get Xenedrine. I work out every day and consider myself a healthy eater. I just needed a little extra energy with out drinking soda and energy drinks. And it totally helps! We will see if it helps me loosing any extra pounds. 🙂 Im only on day 2. LOL! But yesterday was great, I drank it in the Am and late afternoon. It also makes me less hungry, so less snacking. And this morning my work out was great!
    Thanks for your tips as always. Love your blog!

  7. You guys are the coolest! I am totally cracking up right now. I just love the sign, it doesn't get much better then that! I so excited to watch my Dirk p,ay ball when I see pictures like this!!

    And I sure hope I can be half as hot as you as a mom in the stands 🙂

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