Laddies & Lassies ~

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

KJ-Kiana-Starlee-Myla, some of my good luck charms!Sela; she wasn’t interested in having her picture taken today…

12 responses to “Laddies & Lassies ~”

  1. Okay, I just peed my pants laughing! (Thanks a lot!) Soo very cute! You look like those Bobble-head Dolls that you can buy at souvenir shops, etc. Hee Hee!

  2. Histerical! And I have to give you props for your blogging skills – videos, sparkling letters, new photog skills and now you’ve turned your family Irish. 🙂

  3. How cute!! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Myla’s hat is awesome!!! I need one of those. You have such cute kids!

  4. KJ and Sela crack me up the most. Probably because they look the most out of place dancing. Super cute!

  5. LOVE KJ’s super tight dancing Pants! That is funny!!
    Cute kids in green, hope you had a fun Day!

    ~Hey i love your cute little Easter Speed racers, we should do it for our Easter Party~I think blakes mom is in charge.

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