LACMA & more…

miss twelve. miss twelve is a light in my life that i have always dreamed of…

she has me thoroughly convinced that she prefers hanging out with me over her friends. she has me thoroughly convinced that she highly values my opinions about what she should wear, what color she should buy when shopping for clothing etc, my opinion about how her hair looks, how she should style it, what tastes good…she truly values my opinions about all things. and, she has me convinced that my opinion out-numbers anyone else.

i may have mentioned this before, but miss twelve rarely if ever talks back. she doesn’t have one sassy bone in her body towards her momma. simply put, she is, and has always been a really great kid. i keep hoping that the teenage years will not change any of this. i realize it’s a lot to hope for.

i love my one on one time with her. during cali, she willingly tagged along with me to the LACMA. there are five large buildings included in the entire spread of museums. all of them 3+ floors, thousands of square feet of artwork. we conquered two of the buildings. the european art & the contemporary art. kiana was a trooper. it was all inspiring. kiana saw her first picasso’s, claude monet’s, an entire floor of artwork by andy warhol. truly inspiring. i felt like a personal art historian guide to my miss twelve, it was so fun. she was even sweet enough to make me feel like she was really interested. in ALL of it!

note: in the first photo we are wearing the same shorts & both of us were sportin’ our toms that day. like mother, like daughter.

{oh, how we are addicted to toms. great shoe. great charity. complete package!}

since kiana turned twelve, we have given her the responsibility for purchasing all her clothing purchases that are outside of anything she truly requires. like dance costumes, etc.

knowing this, she started saving her money months ago so she could do her school shopping in california. all of our kids have savings accounts, but kiana started working extra hard with babysitting, her allowance, extra jobs she could work on around the house. i have been in awe of her saving skills.

in her momma’s eyes, she was adorable on this trip! she would find something she liked, put it on hold, think about how much she wanted it, stop by the ATM, get the cash, then purchase the items that she felt were really her favorites. she did ALL of her school shopping on her own. and can i say, if i were just two sizes smaller, i would be wearing everything she picked out! it is all so stinkin’ cute!!!

i know it’s silly, but i even thought my little girl who is so grown-up now, she was so cute standing at the ATM! so mature. so responsible. wow. bring on jr. high, her closet is ready!

and, her savings account is greatly depleted…if you need a babysitter, organizer, cleaner…she’s lookin’ for work!

9 responses to “LACMA & more…”

  1. Kiana sounds like such a mature young woman for being only 12! I hope I have at least one daughter in hopes that she could be as helpful as Kiana is. (I can't lie, I'd also love if my daughter valued my opinion as much as Kiana does yours!). Sounds like you had a wonderful mother/daughter trip.

  2. Mother/Daugther time is so special! Your encouragement is HUGE for her. I always thought my mom was so glamorous when I was younger. I wanted to be just like her. 🙂

  3. Kiana is such a sweet girl. I am always impressed with how she is so welcoming and willing to chat with her "old" cousin . She is so much fun!

  4. Aww she is so cute!! I look forward to seeing her grow up into that mature sweet lady you want and know she can be. Toms are so cute, i want to get a pair!

  5. I love that you are wearing denim shorts! Last year when I mentioned to Dusty that me and Cheyenne should wear them to the Final 4 Conventions HE MADE FUN OF ME! Went around the whole office like a bully and told me how "80's" denim shorts are. I wear them all the time! You're husband is crazy =). Cali looked fun!

  6. So much fun!! How wonderful that you have such an amazing relationship with your daughter! I wish she could babysit for us 🙂

  7. I really hope we have a baby girl someday because I will have moments like this to look forward to:)

  8. Kiana is a perfect example of why oldest daughters are the best (full disclosure, i am totally an oldest daughter!) Seriously though, it was really fun to watch you two together in Denver-such a great example of what I hope to have someday.

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