krispy kreme donuts…

are what kj requested for his birthday treat at school this past week. sela spent the entire morning talking about visiting kj’s classroom for this event. then we arrived at kj’s school, she started her velcro-to-momma routine, but was still holding tight to a thick pile of donut hats that she planned on passing out to his friends…

then when it actually came time to pass out the hats, interact with the kids –

she retreated.

to the back corner.

almost in tears.

wayyyy to scary for a little girl with serious-social-anxiety!

right when i think she’s improving, maybe she is out-growing her shyness…she has a moment like this. {sigh}

the party still went on!

and, my little man is eight! EIGHT!

and, this little man who has always been very honest, very obedient, very chill.

has gone on a SERIOUS naughty streak lately. his genetic-male-tendencies are in full force!

let me share,

a few weeks ago while dusty & i were in dallas for the weekend, his grandma caught him playing in the garage with our 5 gallon drum of gasoline with a LIGHTER! EEEEK! we are thankful, he’s still alive!

a few days later, we caught him whacking our trees in front of our house with his bat. yeah. they are missing bark from his wild beating. he thought it was ok to do that…

a few days later… he was caught cutting HOLES in our love sac in the theater. love sac = a HUGE bean bag. not good.

a few days later… he was caught whipping my new chandelier with a kabob stick! totally to his surprise, he acted shocked that he shouldn’t be doing THAT!

we continue to discipline him AND to have the “son, this is common sense…you should not _______” fill in the blank with all of the above misbehavings talk… right when i think he’s absorbed the lesson & nothing else will happen —

he’s caught leaving the gate of our neighborhood ON CAMERA riding his motorized scooter WAY TOO CLOSE to a construction-semi truck. we are sent PICTURES of his mis-doing and were asked to speak to him about road safety!

THEN, i caught him stealing money from his little sisters wallet!

then. he has lost his retainer nothing short of twelve times this month. ugh.

he has been told to NOT play with the hose {wasting water} in our sand volleyball court. so, of course i came home TWO DAYS in a row to find him hosting his friends here playing, outside in the sand with the hose running full force!

then, a few days ago, i discovered that a candle in my basement looked rather unique. when i inspected it up closely, i realized the entire candle had been heated & re-molded with huge craters within the jar. he confessed to this, but had no idea why he shouldn’t have done it. candles = science experiments, right?

husband has received this phone call from me numerous times this month, “you are not going to believe what kj did this time…..”

i know there are more, but it’s just too late for me to remember them all!

to all the momma’s out there – with a handful of boys, who behave like this all the time. bless you. i have a feeling, you would tell me, this is just the beginning…

on another note, a happier one, kj continues to drench me in hugs & kisses every single day. oh, he has my heart. he is my little donut.

3 responses to “krispy kreme donuts…”

  1. Happy birthday to KJ! Chase willing be turning 8 in July and he is so excited. Boys are just mischievous by nature. I don't know how many times a day I have to tell Chase to stop doing something he knows he's not supposed to be doing. I grew up with four older brothers so I guess I'm used to it. 🙂

  2. I forgot that you had KJ right after I had Maya, that seems like an eternity ago. My two little boys are giving me a run for my money. 5 and 2, and crazy. The 2 year old keeps leaving the house and my 5 year old has been causing havoc all around the neighborhood. I can hear his enormous voice 10 minutes before he walks in the door from school!

  3. My big boys are now almost 20 and 18…. boy's are a different breed, and they just have no fear.. whatever "pops" into the noggin; run with it. I have a very similar story with my boy's and a friend, gas, lighter, garage… NONE could understand why there was a problem!

    I could get worse, sorry…. but for what it's worth, they've turned out fine!

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