KJ’s homemade transformer costume {videos}

I could not choose which of these videos to show, and which not to show…

Truly, I loved them all.

This was one of the funnest projects I have ever done, it was a blast creating his costume! I hope he remembers this forever…

Introducing: BUMBLEBEE!

9 responses to “KJ’s homemade transformer costume {videos}”

  1. Oh my heck…that was AWESOME!! I wanted to go get Treyson out of bed, ALMOST,lol. I can’t wait to see his reaction when I show him in the a.m. Good job mom!

  2. JANE!!!! That is amazingly AWESOME!!!! How in the WORLD did you do that? You can tell how proud KJ was and I know he will always remember that…what an awesome mom you are, that is the coolest costume EVER!

  3. Hey you need to enter the costume contest on 97.1! The grand prize is 1,000 & it ends nov. 4. I think he would win it

  4. Okay, I think KJ's costume is the coolest thing ever! I was looking at your blog on Tyson's iphone & I had to show hime…he loved it & then showed his friend. Everyone agreed it was the best costume they had seen this Halloween! Good job! Did it take you forever?

  5. NOOOOOO! I just saw this!!! Oh, you put my silly ‘makeshift’ costume for my son, to shame!!!

    I am inspired though! I love that your whole family dresses up and enjoys the Halloween holiday!!! Maybe next year.

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