Every morning as the kids leave for school we have a line-up of good-bye kisses for Sela. But, this morning, KJ is staying home from school with a little cold (cough & strange voice) so as Kiana and Myla were covering Sela with their kisses, I said, “KJ, don’t kiss Sela on the face we don’t want her to catch your cold.” KJ touched Sela’s foot with his hand and said, “Mom, she’s warm.”

3 responses to “KJ”

  1. kj is so cute! I love the things little kids say! too cute.
    LOVE the picture of you when you were “3” that is so cute, how blonde you really were!

  2. I love when blogging helps us document things we may or may not remember! Love the dancing video with Kiana… thinking ahead… Nate may have to take me to the Nutcracker this year 😉

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