Kiana’s Party girl/Nutcracker photos

Reminder, she’s in the show Dec. 19th-24th, tickets are available through artTix.

5 responses to “Kiana’s Party girl/Nutcracker photos”

  1. Kiana looks so beautiful! What I would give to be there to see her in the Nutcracker! I used to try to go with my girls when they were younger as a mother/daughter outing and to have a daughter IN it must be amazing!

  2. She looks adorable and so little!
    Thanks for the reminder on the Nutcracker! I totally forgot to get tix. when is everyone planning on going?
    Let me know soon!

  3. K your blog is so cute. Your 10 year anniversary must have been so amazing. When me and BD travel I need to call you for advice because it looks like you and Dusty know what your doing when it comes to traveling. Kiana’s Pictures are so cute and I am so excited to see her perform. See you later.

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