justin hackworth * 30 strangers

i promised here to tell you more. and it’s really this simple…. justin hackworth is a happy, talented photographer with an impressive 30 strangers project.

justin explains the project in these words,

“It works like this. In the month of April, I photograph a different mother and daughter (sometimes a grandmother, too) every single day. 30 portraits in 30 days. The people that come to be photographed are strangers to me. People I’ve never met before. Instead of paying me a portrait session fee, they make a donation to the Center for Women and Children in Crisis. Participants are selected at random from comments left on the blog post regarding the project.”

the photos he took of my mom, my girls, and i…these photos mean the world to me. i don’t have anything else like them. at one point, he turned on music and had us dance – that was awesome. my mom was doing this little hip-twist move, and my girls were dying laughing. grandma can twist bab-y!

and. you know how i love details. justin thinks of everything. he had personal signs greeting us to our photo shoot at his studio, he gave us cute water bottles, and treats when we were leaving. when my mom and i went back to view our pictures this past week, he had an a-MAZ-ing slide show ready for us. i’m telling ya, he knows his stuff + he’s witty & sweet.

the 30 strangers art exhibit will be this summer in utah county – i’ll keep you all posted for the exact day and time when it gets closer.

and, if you are a daughter, with a mother, and you also have daughters – whatever have you, this project is all about females + you are a stranger to justin…i recommend applying next year. justin accepts strangers from all over! it’s rad. and, it supports a great cause.

6 responses to “justin hackworth * 30 strangers”

  1. beautiful. precious. perfect! My photos from the session are some of my most special pictures with Ella! Well done!

  2. Beautiful pictures!!! I would love to do this with my girls. Another friend of mine, Amy Smart, was part of the project this year too. What a beautiful family you have!

  3. Jane, these are beautiful. What a treasure to have pictures of you and your girls with your Mom like this. Wonderful.

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