Jr. Company

Kiana had her first performance with “Jr. company” from Center Stage for the 2007-08 year this past Thursday. These are 2 of the 4 dances the team will be performing & competing this year. The girls range in age from 9-13, Kiana is the youngest, but she will be 10 soon! Their director is the adorable Savannah Dalton.

This contemporary dance, “Forgive me Love” is one of her favorites. She is on the front right through most of the dance. Remember, press pause on “Jane’s Groove” at the bottom of our blog before pressing play on the video. Also, I can’t figure out on YouTube why the quality of my videos sometimes decrease when I upload them and other times they look great. This time, the videos are a little fuzzy. If anyone knows, let me know. I am transfering them from AVI files to MP3’s before I upload them to YouTube, maybe there is a better way?

Kiana said this was the most fun she had had doing this hip-hop dance, the Teen & Sr. Companies from Center Stage were also in the gym cheering on the girls which is always more fun if you have a fan club in front of you when performing. In this dance she is usually front left.

7 responses to “Jr. Company”

  1. She’s so awesome! I loved the lyrical one, those are usually my favorites. Graceful doesn’t even describe how wonderfully she moves!

  2. What a great dancer she is! I wish I could dance like that! She definitely stands out in the crowd – moves very well. What a little star. Make sure to invite us when they have their big performance at UVSC.

  3. Your daughter is an amazing dancer. I use to dance with savanna’s sister, Misty. Such a cute family. When I see clips like that, it makes me really miss competing. Hopefully we have a daughter who loves to dance too.

  4. Hi…I am Jenn Granum’s sis in law (Geoff’s sister). I love your blog. You have such a cute family. Kiana is an awesome dancer-so fun to watch!

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