it’s my favorite time of year!

i’m in uber-update mode around here,

the house is super organized.

soooo clean.

there’s a fresh new look!

new wallpaper.

fresh paint.

new paintings.

i’ve been painting around the clock with inspiration

found here {paule marrot}, and here {stacie albano}.
{i promise pictures of everything in a couple weeks!}

it’s been sunny & seventy!
{hit the mid-80’s today!}

the windows are open!!!

i just love a clean house with fresh air blowing through….


the kids have been running wild with the neighborhood gang. there is some serious “cops & fugitives” going on out there!

and, little miss three is wearing a swimsuit, whenever possible


sela~bella loves to pick these little flowers, and brings them to all of us through-out our day!



6 responses to “it’s my favorite time of year!”

  1. oh i am so with you… night games, swimming suits, open windows, beautiful weather… ahhhhhh …. i miss yoooouuuu guys!

    although night games are still in full effect over this way too, we are doing lots of "ghost in the graveyard" and livi and hayes are LOVING it too!

  2. What a cutie, I love the suit!
    I got the same one for Taytem a couple of weeks ago in Vegas. I love your white trees. I can't wait for a yard. Maybe til I get one I can just come borrow yours. It always looks so amazing.

  3. teresa ~ great minds shop alike! i purchased sela's suit in vegas too! in december at the juicy store in the forum shops… sela & tay will be twinners when we're at seven peaks or my house this summer!

  4. Can I please borrow that suit when Sela is done with it? (Oh darn… I guess we might have a size issue… if only I were that small…)

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