it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

we had so much fun putting up the Christmas decorations…

{no children were harmed in taking these pictures!}
The lights on our pre-lit artificial christmas tree burnt out two years ago, last year we just added lights to it to use again. But, mid-season those lights burnt out last year…

This year, we have a REAL Christmas tree! It smells oh-so-good. Our lights are “LED” lights and are really funky. we like ’em. They NEVER burn out, and don’t heat up. very cool. But, while wanting to freshen up my decor and wanting it to keep it simple, I opted to use only christmas bulbs on the tree… We then perused all over at the Christmas decorations available online and decided what would match our house, as well as the vibe we were going for this year.

We didn’t use any ornament hooks and we cut the little string off all the ornaments and hung them with ribbon, not only on the tree but all over the house! Actually, my super-knot tying girl did most of this for me. Myla was in heaven cutting and tying the ribbons, she prepared almost ALL of them for me! Then I happily hung them around the house…with Kiana’s help.

I really like how our chandelier in the kitchen turned out!

6 responses to “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…”

  1. Were your kid’s landing on the couch? Or is there something behind the couch that they are landing on? Regardless those are hilarious! Your house looks fantastic! I love putting up Christmas. Hey, did you guys guy see Australia? Brook and I went on Saturday. Amazing!

  2. Hi Jane, I'm Kimball & Kyle's sister and sometimes link to your blog from theirs. I just have to tell you (and you may already know) about google analytics and stat counter. It makes those "anonymous" people a little less anonymous. A friend of mine had a similar experience and actually could track the anonymous person straight to their own blog. Okay, enough of the marathon comment. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Awesome pictures of your kids jumping…he, he!

    I always love your beautiful decorating ideas, you have such a georgeous home. 🙂

  4. DARLING!! Once again, I think I’ll copy what Jane has done. (Didn’t someone once say copying is the highest form of flattery??)

  5. Your house looks SO cute! Let me guess – the jumping off the ladder onto the couch trick was Myla’s idea?!

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