in 22 hours…

i will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

this semester will be finished.

can. not. wait.

two weeks ago, i turned in a beast of a term paper.
it was a museum project for my upper division art history class.

the longest paper i have ever written.
i thought end notes & research sources were going to be the death of me!

we were required to assemble an entire museum exhibition, with endless details.
i chose to focus on party themes in art {of course!}

i titled the exhibition “partyARTstyle,” and focused on all types of things like bacchanals, masks in art, dancing sculptures, balloon sculptures, and clowns in fine art—
mr. clown was holding my report when i turned it in.

{it was optional to do something like mr. clown for extra credit}

i earned 100 points on the paper, and could not have been happier. made my day.

right this minute: time to study for one more final.

21 hours and 48 minutes…

5 responses to “in 22 hours…”

  1. WOW that's quite a clown! I know the feeling you have, I have 2 more finals to go and I'm done! Good luck 🙂

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